Chapter 3

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When I woke up it was like an elephant was stomping on my skull. I started to sit up, but the pain was horrid so I decided to lay back down. I stretched a little and touched someone, I turned to look and there was Calum. Oh god, I look down, I still have pants on yes. Not that I wouldn't fuck him, because damn that boy is fine. But if I did I'd want to remember it. I try to sit up again and this time I am successful. I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. I got to the medicine cabinet and grab some pain killers, and shut the cabinet door. I grab a cup out of the dishwasher and fill it, and take the pills. I grab a few more, and refill the glass and walk back into the bedroom. I set them on my nightside on Calum's side.

I walk back into the kitchen to make breakfast. I grab the waffle iron from the cupboard and but it on the counter-top. I grab the waffle mix and a large bowl. I mix the mix and start to make waffles, I make four, 2 for me and 2 for Calum. I put them on plates and set them on the kitchen island. I grab the syrup, cream whip, and the butter.

I get up to go wake up Calum but he is already on his way in, so I grab myself a stool and sit. He does the same and I push a plate over to him. He smiles happily taking the food.

After I finish eating I tell Calum I am going to go take a shower. I grab my Iphone and take it into the bathroom. I plug it into my bathroom speakers and put on my Blink-182 playlist. I turned it up all the way and turned on the shower. Adam's Song came on, and I started to undress. “Take your time, hurry up, the choice was mine, I didn't think enough” I sang. I pulled the curtain back and stepped in.

After I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist. Stay Together For The Kids starts to play so I sing along. I remember I am supposed to go see my mom, and little brother to play soccer today. My little brother Maxxie, is 4 and loves to play soccer.

I walk into my room and go to my dresser. I grab a pair of striped boxer-briefs and grey sweatpants. I pull them on and go to my closet. I go to my closet and grab a Nirvana shirt, and a black bandana. I pull on the shirt, and start to walk back to the bathroom. When I get there, I brush my teeth and put my lip-ring back in. I grab my hair products and style up my hair. I wrap up the bandana and wrap it around my head.

I walk out of the bathroom and head back to the kitchen, then to the living-room in search of Calum. He's sitting on the couch watching Adventure Time. Awe, he looks so cute. “Hey Cal do you wanna shower or something?” I ask.

“Actually I better be getting home, but I didn't want to leave while you were in the shower.” He says.

“Okay, well I'll see you around, ya?” I say.

“Definitely ya.” He says with a smile.

I walk him to the door. And we say our 'Goodbye's But before I closed to door he stands on his tippy-toes and gives me a peck on the lips. He then turns around and walks away.

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