Chapter 6

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Calum's POV

I pull on a pair of black ripped skinnies, and a Weezer baggy sweater. I brush my teeth, and style my hair, and turn off my bathroom light.

I grab a my art duffel bag, and grab all of my spray paint and throw them into the bag. I slip on my shoes and grab my phone and leave my apartment.


I meet Luke at the old warehouse, and slip off my duffel bag.



"So why do you want me to do with these then?" I ask pointing to the duffle bag.

"Just like do what you would normally do with them." Pointing towards the sides of the warehouse.

"Okie dokie then." I say smiling.

I pull out my bandana and tie it around my face so that it rests on my face just below my eyes, it my favourite bandana tonight one with skull features on it. (A/n seriously have one and I use it errytime I spray)

Hemming's just watches as I spray four mountains, just below them about thirteen evergreens, and then a trail that has flowers growing from the sides, the trail goes right around a little lake with a small dock.

Just below I spray 'My friends are up in the mountains and I'm drowning in the lake' in mangled lettering.

Oh I am so sorry this is so short and sucks dick but I really don't know anymore and since the album came out today in the US I was like 'I need to update' and I swear I'll do a longer one soon it has been like forever since I have updated and I'm sorry. Peace, love, and more love because everyone needs to be loved. Stay beautiful, kitten.

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