Chapter 7

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Mariana's Trench is life.


"Freeze, you delinquents."

Oh fucking aye. Seriously the first time a bring a person with me a fucking pig shows up.

I turn and give Luke a look. Like a dude we gotta run look.

"Hey Luke do you smell that?" I ask as I pack up my bag.

"What are you talking about?" Luke asks.

"I smell"-- I sniff in the air, "bacon maybe? some type of pork, definitely." I say.

Luke busts out laughing while the cop glares.

"I'm serious you boys, put your hands above your head." Piggy says.

"Yeah whatever dude just let me pack my shit." I say as I put the last two cans into my bag.

I sling it over my back and the turn around and wink at Luke and then run up and grab his hand and pull him along as I start running back to my apartment complex.

I keep looking behind me and cutting through alleys until I make it to my apartment and swing my front door open and throw him in and then follow him inside, slamming the door shut.

We both look at each other and then bust out laughing with huge grins on our faces.

"Wanna order pizza?" I ask once we calm down.

"Pepperoni and mushrooms please." Luke says with a smile.

I pull out my phone, I have the pizza place on speed-dial because pizza is hella great.

After ordering a large pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms I grab Luke's hand an pull him into the kitchen. I push him towards a stool by my kitchen island and them open the fridge grabbing a redbull for myself, and ask him what he wants. He wanted one as well.

After closing the fridge I pull out a stool and sit by him and slide the redbull over to him. I open mine and drink almost half it in one go.

"Wanna watch something on Netflix?" I ask while slipping off of the stool.

"Yeah sure." he replies following me into my living room.

I turn on my ps4 and then proceed to go into Netflix.

"Skins okay?" I ask. I had already finished all of the season but to be honest generation 1&2 are my favourite. It's something about the Stonem babes.

"Yeah, whatever you want." Luke says twiddling his fingers.

Awh is he nervous, he is being cute.

The doorbell rings and I hop up to go get the pizza, after paying for it I walk back into the living room and set the box onto my coffee table.

Why are the called coffee tables? Who actually sits down and drinks coffee at the stumpy little tables?

After we both ate about three pizza slices each and watch an episode Luke started crawling over to my side.

I wrap my arm around him and he nuzzles his nose into my neck and I smile.

Three more episodes and Luke is crying and saying how much of a asshole Tony is, and how Sid shouldn't love Tony's girl. Even is Tony doesn't treat her right.

I giggle. I really could get used to this. Get used to us.

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