Friday/ The Three by Sarah Lotz

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What is 'The Three' by Sarah Lotz?

'The Three' is a thriller book written about four fictional plane crashes that occur at the same time. Here is the blurb: 'Black Thursday. The day that will never be forgotten. The day that four passenger planes crashed, almost exactly at the same moment, at four different points across the globe. There are only four survivors; three are children, who were removed unhurt but not unchanged. The fourth is Pamela Donald who lived long enough to record a voice message on her phone. That message is a warning.'

Why you should read 'The Three'?

When I read 'The Three' I was blown away by this different style of writing that I hadn't seen in a book before. The novel is written as if it is a non-fiction book about the crash, and we see so many different, and chillingly-interesting accounts of the aftermath of the crashes. It's written in a series of interviews, emails, messages and voice recordings. It's so realistic I had to check that I hadn't accidentally picked up a non-fiction book by mistake. I got shivers when reading this book, actual shivers.



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