Tuesday/ Poldark

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What is Poldark?

This all-new version of the vintage Masterpiece series stars Aidan Turner as Capt. Ross Poldark, a redcoat returning to Cornwall after the American Revolutionary War, only to find his father dead and his true love about to marry someone else. The multiple series follow the story of Ross Poldark, and the many trials and tribulations that face him in life.

Why I love it?

I didn't really watch the first series of Poldark, but I have been engrossed in the second and third series of it. There is something about the show that just draws me in (maybe it's seeing Aidan Turner on the screen for one hour) and I look forward to it every week. There is so much drama, and it's one of those period dramas which is action-packed of bad guys, prison breakouts, and lots of riding along the Cornish coastline. You grow to care about most of the characters (screw you Elizabeth and George), and I never want it to finish if I'm honest.

Where you can watch it?

I believe that it's currently on Netflix!



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