Tuesday/ Thirteen

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What is Thirteen?

The story follows 26-year-old Ivy Moxam, who was the victim of a kidnapping during which she was held captive in a cellar for 13 years. After escaping from her attacker's prison, she returns to her family home but struggles to put her life back together. As police begin to make sense of the case, evidence contradicts Ivy's statement, leaving detectives to suspect she is hiding something from them.

Why I enjoyed it?

This is the kind of TV series that I have been waiting a majority of my teenage life to come out, and they finally made a decent TV show about someone living in the normal world after kidnapping! I really loved this series, and it was so gripping and exciting. Of course it was very disturbing at the same time, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

Where can you watch it?

I believe it's on Netflix but I'm not entirely sure.



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