Tuesday/ 13 Reasons Why

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What is '13 Reasons Why'?

Newcomer Katherine Langford plays the role of Hannah, a young woman who takes her own life. Two weeks after her tragic death, a classmate named Clay finds a mysterious box on his porch. Inside the box are recordings made by Hannah -- on whom Clay had a crush -- in which she explains the 13 reasons why she killed herself.

Why I liked it?

This TV series is a very sensitive topic and everyone will have a very different opinion on the series. For me, it didn't romanticise suicide or suicide for revenge, but simply told the unheard story of so many suicide victims who were ignored until it was too late. And it did open a dialogue about suicide in teenagers, something the show wanted to do.

Yes it does require sensitive watching, no it's not suitable for everyone. But I watched it, someone who has had suicidal thoughts in the past, and saw it more as a mystery/ tragedy. I wasn't watching it for the social commentary and for it being a statement but because I thought the concept was cool as a TV show. I think as a show it made for very compelling watching, and an accurate depiction of teenagers today.

Any warnings?

It is graphic, it is hard to watch at times, and if you know you will be triggered by any of the scenes in the show then please don't watch it. I would hate for anyone to take this recommendation and have to deal with painful memories coming back. So the trigger warnings are for: suicide, rape, bullying, self harm, and sexual assault.



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