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She stared with unbroken tears down at the tiled floor. Her dirty converse barely reached the ground from her icy cold seat. Her stomach churned awkwardly, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

She listened as her mother fussed at the woman behind the desk.

"What do you mean my daughters too young for an abortion?" The woman screamed. The silent waiting room was beginning to become suffocating.

"This is ridiculous! She's far too young for a baby!" She snipped, the woman behind the desk gently persuading the girl's mother to quiet down. "Please, ma'am, we have other patients."

"I don't care about your other patients!" The mother seethed. "It is against my religion for my daughter to have a child before being married and I won't be sent to hell because you are standing in my way," she grounded out in a small angry whisper.

The nurse glanced to the girl waiting in the room just a few feet away, kicking her legs slowly and seemingly not listening. The nurse knew though, the girl was listening.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the nurse said, "But we won't be preparing an abortion on a fifteen year old." She said firmly.

The mother let out a quick snarl, "Fine. Blair, let's go." She said.

The teen stood, walking after her mother who was already stalking from the room.

"Good luck," the nurse said after Blair as she exited in a snail pace.

"Thank you," Blair said.

She looked back at the nurse, "For stopping her."

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