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Her head ached. Her heart raced. The heavy duvet covering her body was soft, yet suffocating. When she first opened her eyes to light, she squinted. Her heart raced even faster now. Where was she? Why could she only think of the burning image of Mr. Degray practically eating a woman?

Her heart sped as she sat up, realizing it the was the following day and she was not at the home she had showed up in. Her grandmother was so going to kill her, so was Diane is she didn't make her shift in time.

The room was clean, with a bed she was sitting up in and a dresser across from it on the wall. There was a closet to her right along with a night stand, and to her left a large window. It overlooked the bustling city.

"Where the-"

"You're in my apartment," a voice casually said. The woman eater himself walked closer to Blair from his appearance in the door frame of the room, only for her to shrink at the sight of him.


"You... blacked out," he said, though she could tell he was lying. The catch in his voice betrayed him.

Blair stared him down. He was dressed casually in grey sweatpants and a t-shirt, looking like he just got out of bed. In a way, it didn't make him any less attractive, maybe even more.

He stopped on the opposite side of her, to her left. He held out a cup. It smelt of fresh coffee.

"Did you-"

"Use cream? Yes."

A smirk found her lips, but he quickly cut in, "And two sugars,"

Blair took the cup from him, gently taking a sip. The warm liquid slid down her throat and warmed her belly. "How'd you know I like it that way?"

"Every woman does." He said, staring at her before averting his eyes. His eyes were a gentle brown, though she could only think of them in angry slits like the night before.

"What time is it?" She asked, sliding from the bed. She tested her legs, standing after a moment. She was in the dress from the night before, though it wasn't so nice now crinkled from her lax sleeping.

She took another sip of the coffee, not sure why she trusted it. He could have drugged it, for all she knew.

The man glanced at the watch on his wrist, reading over the time. "8 am," he said.

Blair slowly exhaled as she gazed out the window. Truthfully, she felt relaxed despite everything that happened the night before. It had to be the view in front of her.

The sun casted a warm glow on the buildings in front of her. There were two larger buildings in front of her, office buildings. The rest of the city strip was small shops, cafes and restaurants.

"..I should leave," she decided, turning and facing him. His heavy gaze on her made her want to shrink. "Please, let me leave," she added. If she needed to beg, she would.

"No," he said, shaking his head slowly. He looked perplexed and a bit annoyed, like a war was raging in his head. "We need to talk about what happened," he said, his jaw clenching and unclenching.

Blair stared at him, "I... won't say anything," she began timidly, "Please, and just let me go,"

He turned away, rolling his shoulders and exhaling loudly, "No, no no," he said, suddenly stalking from the room.

He slammed the door shut, locking Blair from the outside in.

"No!" She yelled, running to the door and banging her empty fist on the door. "Let me out!" She screamed, continuing to bang. She tested the door knob, despite knowing it was locked.

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