First of Many

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"So you're like... his girl for the next two months?"

"I wouldn't say I'm his girl," Blair said, scrubbing a booth down. She slid the tips, two dollars, from the elderly couple before into her apron. She had made her breakfast shift after signing Mr. Degray's contract. "I'm more like his maid," Blair admitted.

"Do you get the skimpy maid outfit too?" Madison asked, giving her a playful glance as she walked away to tend to her own tables.

Blair slowly shook her head, a small smile coming to her face. If only Madison knew.

She was exhausted. Even though she had a good night sleep before, she still felt her eyes closing every so often and her mind wandering. For the first time ever, she got her first complaint.

"Blair," Diane called from behind the bar, her finger going crooked as she motioned Blair over. Blair nervously walked over, nibbling her lip.

She set the rag on the bar, going around the side and joining Diane behind it.

"The complaint..."

"Was your first. Is something wrong? I heard from Madison you and Ella are staying with your grandmother, is she giving you a hard time?" Diane asked, giving her a gentle look.

"No no," Blair quickly said, giving the older woman a small smile. "I was just out late last night," she explained. "Totally my fault," she added.

Diane slowly nodded, her gaze glancing past Blair and to the people who walked in. "Well, alright," she said, sighing softly, "If she gives you a hard time, you and Ella are welcome to stay with me," she said, Blair nodding.

The woman walked away, leaving Blair behind the bar. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed. She had no idea how she was going to juggle three jobs. Being a waitress, a mom, and an escort; it was going to be a challenge, no doubt.

She set her bag on the hook on the wall, sliding off her jacket and hanging it on the same hook.

"Grandma? I'm home," Blair called throughout the quite home. She had about four hours before Finley would be picking her up, and that was four hours she would be spending with Ella.

"Mommy? Mommy!" Ella raced down the hall towards Blair.

Blair crouched, taking Ella into her arms. "Hi sweetie," she smiled, squeezing her gently. She pulled away, coaxing some hair from Ella's face. What she saw made her frown.

A red mark was engraved on Ella's cheek. It looked innocent, like she had run into something and fell. Though, Blair knew her grandmother and couldn't help but get that gut sinking feeling.

"What happened to your cheek?" Blair asked, her finger grazing over the minor mark.

"Nothing, I fell." Ella said, her eyes boring into Blair's.

Blair knew the four year old was lying. Although she appeared a lot like her birth father on the inside, she was just like her mother on the inside.

"You want to go get some dinner?" Blair asked, changing the subject.

She stood, taking Ella's hand in hers as she helped the little girl put a small jacket on. It was a bit chilly outside, and the walk to the diner would be brisk.

"Yes," Ella said, her face brightening again. Blair helped slide the jacket on her little body, leaning down to whisper, "When we get there, you can tell me what happened."

She leaned away again to grab her purse. Mr. Degray had given her over a thousand dollars. She felt the bills weighing down her purse. She had counted out the hundreds in front of him, and he seemed smug with her expression. After that, she hadn't seen him. Hazel said he disappeared quit often and even when Blair was done with the nightly chores, she wouldn't see him. It all sounded good to her.

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