The Visit

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Note: This is a filler chapter so sorry if it's a little boring ):


"Do you really have to leave?" Ella whined at her mother, pulling at the woman's skirts.

Blair crouched down to Ella's small size, gently placing her palms on the little girl's cheeks. "I'm sorry, babe. I just have a doctor's appointment, nothing huge okay?" She promised her, kissing her nose gently.

"When... When will you be home?"

"Give me two hours, and then we can go to the park or something, okay?"

"Okay!" She said, grinning widely. She put her arms around Blair's neck, hugging her tightly. "Hurry home," she whispered into her mother's ear.

"Okay, break it up. Your mother has to go for a couple hours, not forever Ella," Catherine barked, walking over and roughly yanking Ella by the shirt.

The little girl stumbled, sticking close to Catherine so she wouldn't pull her around like an animal any longer.

Blair watched with a narrowed gaze, "Be gentle, grandmother. She's only four,"

"I was cleaning by four, she's fine." She snapped back.

Blair grabbed her bag, smiling at Ella, "Behave," she said, saying she loved her. "Thank you, grandmother. I'll be back soon," she promised, earning a sniff from the woman. She stalked off, not believing Blair.

Blair quickly left before she decided to not make the doctor visit. Blair had apparently made it past step one. They accepted her profile, and now all she had to do was make a mandatory doctor visit at a clinic nearby.

She had no idea how any of this worked, but she was guessing the clinic was ran by this organization. She wondered as she walked if any of this was ethical, but Madison said the facility was clean and nothing shady happened.

Blair arrived to the clinic after a thirty minute city walk. Walking everywhere wasn't a big deal for her, considering that was all she did. Though, she would love to have a vehicle one day. Maybe all this would work out and she could get a car.

She came to the building. It was small and white. The paint was chipping but it made it look more aesthetically pleasing than scary. She opened the door, listening to the jingle of a bell above her head.

"Welcome!" A blonde woman a few years older than Blair greeted. "Do you have an appointment with us? Is this your first time visiting?"

"I have an appointment for three," she said, checking her phone. It was 2:59, right on the dot. "I've never been here before," she said, walking closer to the woman.

She was pretty, with her hair pulled back and cute animal scrubs on. "My names Bridgett and I'm a nurse here at the clinic. Sign in right here for me, what's your name?"

Blair took the clip board with a bit of information to fill out on it. "Blair, Blair Ubel."

The woman, Bridgett, clicked behind the counter, scanning the computer she was seated at. "Right, Dr. Owen's will be right with you, go ahead and start filling that out," she said with a kind smile. Blair gently nodded, walking over to the mini waiting room they had.

It was empty, aside from a gold fish swimming in a bowl to the left. There was water and coffee set out, as well as magazines. It was your typical waiting room.

Blair began filling out the paper work. It asked basic information, including her address, social security number, and some other things that made her nervous to answer. She didn't have transport, didn't have her own address, and her place of work wasn't... amazing. She hoped this wouldn't scare any possible clients away.

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