chapter 3

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Me and Anthony got back into car and drove home. The whole time I was smiling to myself, and on occasion blushing. I kept thinking back to what miss Lovato had said.

We got back home and I went straight to my room, I put on my basketball shorts and put my red sweatpants over them. I put on my old hoodie that didn't have the sleeves. I went and looked for my army boots. Once I found them I put them on and grabbed my phone.

I walked out into the living room and walked past Anthony. He looked at me and lifted his eyebrow. "Who are dressing up for sis?" Asked Anthony. I chuckled and sat down.

"I got detention today remember?" I said. Anthony laughed and nodded his head. "Why don't you get going, don't wanna make your teacher mad" said Anthony, he wiggled his face at the end making me hide my face. I got up and hugged him and then grabbed my keys and left.

I got in my car and took the piece of paper out and then punched the address into my GPS. The directions lit up the screen right away, I turned my car on and drove. I eventually got to my destination and got out. I stood in front of a huge light blue house with big trees in front of it.

I looked past the trees and towards the door and I saw miss Lovato, I placed my hoodie on my head and walked across the street and stopped in front of the gate. Miss Lovato looked at me while walking towards the gate.

"Nice to see you show up to detention miss rider." Said miss Lovato. I looked at miss Lovato and smile the slightest bit. I tried to keep my face straight and not red. Miss Lovato moved back and motioned for me to step inside pass the gate which I did. I put my hands in my hoodie pockets and held onto my phone for dear life.

Miss Lovato led me up the small path and then opened the house door. I stepped inside and and was taken back by how big the house was. I was snapped into reality after miss Lovato nudged my arm and made me follow her into her backyard.

"So this detention is very easy all you have to do is sit, be quiet, let me work and stay off your phone" I looked at miss Lovato and laughed. "I'm never quiet, I'm not able to sit for prolonged periods of time, its funny to bother you and plus I'm ALWAYS on my phone" I stated.

Miss Lovato looked at me unamused and then slowly walked behind me. I stiffened up and put myself into a fight or flight stance. I felt miss Lovato gently grab my arm and then I felt her up against me, the next thing I knew she was right next to my ear and whispering.

"Listen here Max, I make the rules, you follow them without question. If you don't understand or don't wanna be cooperative then I will teach you how to be cooperative. And trust me you do NOT want me to be strict with you." Said miss Lovato. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I closed my eyes and kept my mouth shut while Miss Lovato was behind me. I felt her grab my other arm with her right hand, she held both arms in one hand while her left hand quickly grabbed my hair and made my head go backwards. "Do I make myself clear?" Asked Miss Lovato. I swallowed a bit and then spoke with a small "yes".

She released my hair and my arms and then walked past me and pointed to a spot on the ground. I slowly walked over and sat down without question. I looked up at her and saw a small smile on her face. She walked over to the patio and grabbed a chair and brought it over and placed it next to me and then sat down.

I kept my head low for a bit until she grabbed my hoodie and pulled it off and made me look at her. " I want you to know that your little running escapade only landed you a detention, I wasn't going to get you suspended because I knew you would have loved that." said miss Lovato. I stayed quiet but nodded my head.

She went back to her work and I pulled up my hood. I slowly took my phone out my pocket and placed it in between my legs and turned it on. When I had left it was only 12 in the afternoon, it was now 1pm. I turned my phone off and slid it back into my pockets.

I looked up at miss Lovato and tapped her chair, she looked down at me with a small smile. "Its 1pm, I'd like to go home now" I said with the most annoyed tone. Miss Lovatos face turned to a bit of anger. She placed her laptop on the chair as she got up. She crouched down to my level and took my face in her hand.

"I said no phone" said miss Lovato. I looked her dead in the eye and lied. "I didn't have my phone out I've been counting since you had me sit. Sounds stupid I know but its worth it." I said with a smug expression. Her grip on my face tightened a little.

"Talk back to me again and I will make you regret it" said miss Lovato. "I'll talk back all I like" I said. Miss Lovato pushed me back so that I was laying on the ground, she crawled on top of me and looked down at me.

I felt her sit on me and then felt her place her hands on my shoulders. She slowly made her way towards my face but stopped a few inches in front. "I have a slight feeling you want this as bad as I do." Said miss Lovato. I looked at her confused but soon stopped as I realized what is happening.

Before I could answer she leaned in and kissed me. Boy am I fucked.

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