chapter 13

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I woke up and looked at my clock, 5 am...great.

I turned to my side and grabbed my phone and my ear buds. I placed them in the phone and just went on YouTube. I watched Liza koshy for a bit, then I switched to markiplier. Eventually I ended up watching PSA's.

I looked at my clock again and this time saw that it was around 6:30. I got up and looked out my window, the streets were some what clear. I went to my closet and grabbed my grey leggings and my baggy jeans. I placed them on and then grabbed my long sleeve maroon shirt.

I threw on my dead pool jacket and grabbed one of the largest things in my closet. My snow board.

I but my boots on and then went out into the livingroom. Anthony was standing in the kitchen with the same attire on. He looked up and smiled at me. "Great minds think alike" he said.

I shook my head and grabbed an apple and quickly took 8 bites out.

Me and Anthony went outside and made sure no one was going up or down our street. I went over to the middle of the hill and strapped myself into my snow board.

I started going down the hill and soon enough I was going at a good enough speed that I was able to start doing stupid tricks.

I got to the bottom and looked up and saw Anthony. I motioned for him to get his ass to the bottom of the hill and he took up my offer.

He jumped onto his board and strapped himself in and started to go down the hill. We both realized he was going a bit too fast, but it was too late. Anthony went flying by me and slammed into a snow pile.

He flew over it and landed on his back. I ran over to the snow pile and looked over and then jumped up.

I ran over to Anthony and slid into the snow beside him. "You good? Anything broken or bruised?" I asked. Anthony looked up at me and smiled and shook his head.

"I'm perfectly fine, just a little jet lag from that flight" said Anthony. I rolled my eyes and unstrapped him from his board. I helped him up and we went back to the apartment.

Once we got back to the apartment and walked in I took our boards and placed them on the patio. I walked back in and sat on the couch. Anthony sat on his recliner across from me.

"Maybe next time we should try it after you've drank red bull. It does give you wings after all" I said laughing. Anthony laughed and shook his head. "You could have attached cardboard to me and I could have flown away from some old bullshit" joked Anthony. I cackled at his joke and soon found myself crying from laughing.

"Its a bird, its a plane, no its a flying snowman" I said. Me and Anthony joked back and forth for a good portion of the morning and eventually I got up and made us some TV dinners for lunch.

I came back down and sat down and started eating. After I was done I got up and threw away my trash but saw that Anthony was still eating. I sat back down and turned the news on.

The news cut to a thing on school drop out rates and it got my mind thinking. I watched and saw the numbers and percentages of drop out rates, the rates were high for low income neighborhoods.

"Yo, bro. What would you do if I dropped out?" I asked. Anthony immediately lurched his head up at me and raised his eyebrow. "Your gonna drop out?" He asked. I shrugged and motioned to the TV. He looked at it and listened.

"You gonna try to be another statistic?" Asked Anthony. I shook my head. "It started making me think. We both have jobs but I can't work half the time because of school. You work a great amount of hours but I think you still need help getting some income. Two incomes are better than one, then again ones better than none." I said.

Anthony nodded and ate the last of his food and then came back and sat down. "Listen, its your life, I'm not going to encourage or discourage you from doing what you want to do. But I will say that you have this year left, once its over your a free kid. I would say get the last of your education and then decide what you want to do." Said Anthony. I nodded and looked back at the TV.

I got up and went to my room and went on YouTube Spotify. I laid in bed for a minute and my brain started to go every where again.

I wonder what Demi would do if I dropped out.

[Hey guys its jace. I know I never leave a small note at the end but I have to apologize for not updating for about a week. Im truly sorry about this its just that I've been busy with school and getting back into the swing of things. I've already missed a few assignments and I've lied to 4 teachers this week about my homework, shows what kind of student I am. Anyway I really just need to apologize because I feel bad. I also want to thank you guys for reading this story. I will try my hardest to update this weekend and next week. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy and yeah.]

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