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Lena Luthor remembered everything about the first time Supergirl saved her life. She remembered the deafening crack of the gun, the trigger pulled just short of five metres from where she stood. She remembered every muscle in her body tensing, bracing itself for the inevitable impact. She remembered the flash of blue and red that, surely, she must have been imagining, materialising out of thin air. She remembered the clink of the bullet that was meant for her falling to the ground, rendered useless by the Girl of Steel. She remembered the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes—blinking once, twice, to make sure she was actually alive—was the flattened nub of the bullet rolling towards her feet. The second, a luminous grin flashed at her over a caped shoulder.

"You alright there, Miss Luthor?" The voice was confident, unwavering. It was the voice that inspired an entire city to believe everything would be all right because Supergirl was there to save the day.

Thanks to her, Lena was indeed all right, at least in a corporeal sense. She did her best to compose herself while Supergirl blasted the attempted shooter's gun with her heat vision and knocked him out cold with a swift tap to the back of the head.

During the brief moments it took for Supergirl to do a sweep of the surrounding area, Lena straightened her jacket and smoothed back some rebellious hairs that had escaped the confines of her slick ponytail.

She was shaken, but by the time Supergirl halted to a stop in front of her she felt she had regained the trademark Luthor composure: calm, cool, and collected under difficult circumstances. Meanwhile, Supergirl looked more like a statue carved from azure stone than a living, breathing person. Her hands were fixed to her hips as if by magnets, and her hair and cape fluttered in a breeze that seemed to follow the Girl of Steel wherever she went. Lena couldn't help but be impressed by the image, and paused for a moment to take it all in. The posters certainly didn't do her justice.

"I guess this is the part where I thank you?" Lena asked, quirking an eyebrow.

She was pleased to hear that her voice was steadier than she felt. She was rattled, certainly, but more than anything, she was angry. Angry that she wasn't able to defend herself against one of Lex's 'errand boys'. What was the point of all that self defence training if a little motorcycle fall rendered her helpless long enough for a guy to pull a gun on her? Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. She made a mental note to increase her training to two hours a day.

Supergirl's features crinkled into a smile, and somehow she was even more stunning than before. "It's not a required part of the service but it certainly is appreciated."

"Mm," Lena hummed. She didn't like owing people. As a Luthor, she already felt like she owed everyone she met something: proof that she was different from her family—proof that she was worth their time. But her eyes fell to the flattened bullet on the ground, and she picked it up and turned it over in her hands. The fact that this bullet would have found its mark if not for the woman standing in front of her was not lost on her. She sighed, pursed her lips and lifted her eyes. "Thank you, Supergirl. saved my life."

Just when Lena thought it wasn't possible, Supergirl's grin widened. "Don't mention it."

Lena sighed and turned her attention to her fallen motorbike. With a grimace she dislodged the metal hook wedged into the spokes of the front wheel. The tiny device had managed to stop the wheel as she rounded a corner, launching her from the seat. She could feel the bruises forming on her legs underneath her leather motorcycle pants. Luckily she wasn't going faster; the fall alone could have easily killed her. She hated to admit it, but it was good tech, so she pocketed the device.

Lena went to lift the heavy bike up; however, just as she had gotten it off the ground, the bike suddenly became weightless as Supergirl lifted it as if it were a toy with one hand while holding Lena's helmet out to her with the other. "And they say chivalry is dead," Lena mused.

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