Six: Stuffie (part two/final part)

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*franks pov*
I heard the stern voice of daddy and I jumped about a mile into the air. I threw myself off my stuffie and covered my boy parts. I figured the best way was to pretend I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Hi, daddy!" I said with an innocent smile.
"Frank, what exactly did I just walk in on?" He said still obviously mad and not buying my act in the slightest.

"Uh... me and Mr. Fluffy were just getting to know each other.." i said looking anywhere but at him. I could more hear his smirk then see it. "Oh yeah?" He asked with a smile. Still obviously pissed off.

"Yeah! It was actually all his idea. I told him you wouldn't wike it but he was vewy persistent daddy." I said with a pout, putting on my best attitude. He didn't say anything just smiled a little bigger and took a few steps toward me.

At this point my erection was in desperate need of some form of attention so I discreetly started to palm it. My eyes basically rolled to my brain in pure pleasure.

Next thing I knew my hair was getting yanked and my head forced to look daddy in his eyes. I whimpered loudly. "Really now? First you touch yourself without permission, then you lie, then you continue to touch yourself after I've caught you? Tsk tsk tsk. What shall I do to such a naughty boy.." he asked rhetorically. If I actually had a choice I'd tell him he should fuck me with no punishment since I rarely ever acted out like this.

"Y-yknow daddy you never said in the rules dat i couldn't do dis. Never!" I said ending it with a whimper as he tugged harder on my scalp. "Oh I'm sorry, considering you've had 4 other serious daddy's in your life I figured you were smart enough to infer a few of the unspoken rules... is that it Frankie? Are you stupid, boy?" He asked, flames of anger visible in his eyes.

"N-n-no daddy! I ain't dumb. I just didn't know dere was unspoken rules!" I lied through my teeth. He merely chuckled as darkly as possible and let go of my hair. He walked out of the room and returned only about 30 seconds later with a key. The key I could recognize as the key to the toy drawer. I whimpered softly knowing punishment was coming.

He unlocked the drawer and pulled out two items. A cockring and a paddle. I nearly started begging on my knees for him to have the sympathy I know I didn't deserve. This was the baddest I'd been in the whole 10 months of our daddy/little relationship. I rarely acted out and if I did it was usually back talk. I'd never done such things ever. I knew a bad punishment awaited me.

"Tsk tsk. You've always been so good for me Frankie, what's wrong, huh?" He asked me as he ran the paddle over my stomach. "I'm so sorry daddy! I was achy for hours! I knew you'd be tiwed after work and figured I could just do it myself and not bover you wif it!" Tears leaked from my eyes as I realized how bad I'd been.

"Aw.., baby I'm not mad at you shhh calm down honey. I'm not mad I understand. Doesn't change the fact that you've been naughty and need to be punished though. Doesn't change that at all." He pet me for a few minutes as my tears subsided and I fell back into little space.

He pushed me onto our bed and ordered me to go into the hand and knees position. I complied. I felt him put the cock ring on my boy parts and I whimpered louder than I had yet that day. I HATED cock rings. Coming was a necessity for me and I couldn't hold it back even if I was ordered to. Daddy knew that. He's only ever used a cock ring once before on me and that was because I asked him to because I couldn't hold back from releasing without it.

"Shhhh baby it's okay. If it gets too much what's the safe word?" "Pistachio, daddy!" I whimpered out. He ran the paddle over my plump ass before I heard it thrash through the air and heard a loud smack before feeling a huge burning sensation. I cried out loudly sounding truly in pain. This didn't stop him. Another smack and another pained moan. Three more before he stopped.

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