Seven: Desire

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Frank was a simple man. He knew what he wanted and didn't and he knew how to get what he did. But when it came to Mr. Way Frank felt like he had tried every damn thing in the book to capture his attention. Biting on his pencil, sex eyes, staring at his dick area a tad too long. But none of this seemed to phase Way in the slightest. This did nothing but piss Frank off.

Frank knew his entire life he was gay. There was really no question when he watched Interview With A Vampire and his kid self was a liiiittle too excited to see Brad Pitt with that hair. Mmm. But basically he always knew, and never was ashamed. Even when he was pretty sure it was the main reason for his parents divorce. Even when bullies were absolutely relentless. He didn't ever feel ashamed of being the person Frank has always and will always be. A fuckin flamer.

Gerard on the other hand? Completely different story. When he was 8 a girl in his grade gave him a letter asking him out. He declined without thought. When he was 12 a girl tried to kiss him and he felt utterly repulsed. But being 12 Gerard assumed this meant he was still in his 'icky girls!!' phase. But he also didn't understand why when it came to boys there was DEFINITELY no ick. But he didn't dare voice that. All through high school and college Gerard refused to even think about why he felt toward men the way he was supposed to feel toward woman. I'm an artist, he'd say. My mind has never made sense.

Years came and went for him and he's now the ripe old age of 28. And a half. And he has never kissed or had 'sexual activity' with anyone. It was a sad life. At this point he was pretty sure he was gay. He didn't really know what to do with that.

But anyway, Gerard started teaching at Franklin High last school year as an art teacher and thus far he's much enjoyed his time spent there. But there is this one student, Frank. Frank gave him bad vibes yknow? He obviously knew the kid was gay, he was pretty sure the whole world knew, but he couldn't figure out why he was always making little flirty eyes at him. Was it actual desire? Or could he see through his straight facade and just wanted to mess with him. Who's to say.

One sunnier than normal December day the story really unfolds.

Frank has officially had enough of this Mr. Way game. It's been 3 and a half months since school began and he'd been playing this game from the start. And so far he hasn't made ANY progress. This shits exhausting. It's becoming more of an obsession to see if anything will ever happen than a want for it to. So Frank has made a plan. Detention.

"Helllloooo class! Today we will be starting our last project before Christmas break." Mr. Way says as Frank confidently strides into his room. "We will be drawing and coloring what we would most want for Christmas." Perfect.

Frank mentally cackles as he gets his pencil out and begins his drawing. He starts with Mr. Ways naked body and finishes with extra decorations, including candles, whipped cream, and what appears to be a butt plug. Interesting.

Frank decides he doesn't really feel like expulsion today so he draws some boxers over Mr Ways ehem... well endowed area. Voila. A masterpiece.

He signs his name in cute cursive with a smiley on the I in his last name and turns it in with a smile. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Frank's basically bursting with a mixture of nerves and curiosity at how it'll play out by the time he arrives at the classroom the next afternoon. As soon as he walks in he knows Mr Way is absolutely furious. Wasn't a great sign. Maybe that expulsion is going to happen.

"Frank, see me after class please." Is all Mr Way has to offer. Followed of course by many ooooohhhhs of annoying high schoolers. Okay, Frank thought, I can do that.

When class finally ends Frank just stays put in his seat while everyone else flies out. A couple giving him snotty smirks because everyone wants to see the cocky prick in trouble honestly.

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