Eight: Mr Dead Grandma

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Frank Iero was, as some would say, a little shit. He was a purebred punk through and through and was proud. He was all music, vandalism, and tattoos and didn't want anyone to see much else. Frank was about to turn 24 in one days time and as his parents put it "should've grown out of this years ago!".

Frank didn't like big celebrations or anything especially for his birthday so this year all he wanted was some joints, some beer, and to graffiti a graveyard in town. Not that much to ask for right?

So come 10pm on October 30th him and his friends Ray, Pete, and Andy rolled up 4 doobies, grabbed 3 six packs and some spray paint and headed out. Once they arrived the four got to smoking and drinking and talking and before they knew it, it was turning midnight and Franks 24th had officially come. Of course this meant it was now time to grab the spray paint and draw their "dope ass art" anywhere they pleased.

"HEY what the fuck are you punks doing!?" A random voice called out after a few minutes of fun.

"Who the fuck are you grandpa?" Pete called back standing up as tall as he could attempting to look threatening at like five feet tall.

"My grandma is buried here you absolute twats and I swear to god if there's paint on her headstone I'm gonna go postal" The man rushed over about 15 feet away and sighed dramatically. "You're goddamn lucky"

"Listen old man were here to celebrate Frank's birthday and we don't give a shit about your dead ass grandma" Andy said trying to sound tough but also fighting back laughter.

"Listen man I'm sorry about your grandma" Frank spoke surprising his friends so much they almost fainted. Since fucking when did Frank Iero EVER say "I'm sorry"?

But what could Frank say man? This dude was pretty hot and it was his birthday and if he had luck of scoring he wasn't gonna do it making fun of his dead relative. All though maybe trying to score feet above many dead relatives was in fact poor taste. Who cares?

"Thanks? I guess. I'd be a bit more convinced of your sincerity if it wasn't you and your pals doing the vandalism near her grave" Well, he had a point.

"Listen Andy, Pete, Ray go back to the car. Or just go home I'll walk. I wanna talk to this guy privately." Frank said acting as though by talk privately he meant beat his ass not get his ass beat if you get me.

"Alright I guess man but call us if you need anything... let's go guys." Ray, the owner of said car, said with a puzzled look.

When they all three of them had finally stumbled drunkly away and drove off Frank turned back to Mr. Dead Grandma.

"So.. why are you at a graveyard at midnight?" Frank asked nonchalantly
"My grandma adored Halloween so I visit her on midnight to make it extra spooky and tell her scary stories.. it's kinda lame but I do it every year."

"That's actually pretty sweet man..What's your name?"

"Gerard. I'm guessing you're birthday boy Frankie?"

"Frankie? It's Frank. Only my mom and my dad call me Frankie.. or my Daddy" Frank added with a wink and a grin. He was going full flirt on graves mode. The alcohol and weed were preventing any brain to mouth filter.

Gerard's eyes nearly bulged out of his head and he cracked up laughing soon after. "That's a good one man"

Frank was beginning to worry Gerard wasn't in fact homosexual but he wasn't normally wrong about these things plus he was wearing a Winnie the Pooh pajama pants so he was quite sure. "I'm not technically joking but if you were technically heterosexual I wouldn't technically not be joking"

Gerard just laughed harder. Eventually he composed himself and said "Alright you got me I am gay but if this is a rouse to make me admit that so you can hate crime my ass I'll be pissed"

It was Frank's turn to crack up. This guy was something else. "I'm pretty sure if i was homophobic I wouldn't have said I like having a Daddy. But no I'm not gonna beat you up for being gay or I would constantly give myself black eyes. It's my birthday as of midnight and you're pretty hot and nothing beats birthday sex. Just throwing the offer out yknow"

"I mean hypothetically if I did accept that offer my house is like a quarter mile up there.. hypothetically. You aren't bad yourself you know." He winked cheesily and it became hard to take him seriously. "Hypothetically.. do you wanna walk that quarter mile and see what happens?" He added after a couple seconds.

"Fuck yeah dude."
Frank and Gerard stumbled up Gerard's porch stairs less than ten minutes later and in that time became irresistible to each other.

Gerard hardly got his door open before Frank started kissing his neck and touching his chest. Gerard, remember the Daddy comment, grabbed both his hands and turned around slamming him lightly to the wall next to his door. "Slow, baby boy" Frank groaned loudly.

"My rooms right up the stairs go up and wait for me I'll be up in a moment."

Frank did as instructed and went to the only bedroom upstairs which was mostly black but with shocking blue bed sheets that contrasted with the whole room nicely. Frank ripped his shirt off and his shoes while stumbling to the pretty bed and then laid down stretching out attempting to look sexy.

Gerard returned less than a minute later, also without a shirt (oh boy was Frank close to drooling looking at his chubby middle but more muscular arms) and carrying a condom and lubricant. "Who said you could undress? Tsk tsk.. Do you need some spankings for that behavior?.." Frank got onto his knees on the bed excitedly and Gerard chuckled at his aroused enthusiasm.

"Hm that doesn't seem much like a punishment if you're so thrilled about it.. maybe I'll not let you cum? That'd teach my boy his lesson.." Frank's eyes widened "Noooo please spank me instead! I'm not thrilled! Spanks huuurt."

Gerard could tell frank had regressed into a sub space and found it so adorable he agreed to ten spanks. Plus watching him cum was something Gerard was looking forward to.

Gerard put Frank across his lap and pulled his black jeans and checkered boxers to his thighs. He began a fast paced but not very hard smacking of his pale ass until the ten was up and his ass was no longer pale and was more bright red in color.

Frank had been hard and moaning since the first slap and was more than ready to begin more satisfying things.

"Please, Daddy fuck me?" Frank moaned out and Gerard could no longer hold back.

He flipped Frank around on the bed so that he was looking at his pretty little face and his legs were wrapped around Gerards waist. Gerard grabbed the condom and gave it to frank who opened it and applied it to Gerard's hard dick making Gerard moan slightly at the touch. Next, Gerard grabbed the grape scented lube and generously applied it to three of his fingers.

He set at a not very gentle pace of one finger after the next preparing Frank's tight ass for him. After a few seconds with three fingers they both were ready for more.

Gerard applied lube to his aching cock and lined up with Frank's hole. They both moaned dramatically as he entered, looking each other in the eye. It felt oddly sensual for two strangers who met maybe an hour ago. Especially since they met in such a... weird fashion. Buuut anyway

Gerard set a brutal pace with encouragement from Frank's loud moan of "Faster Daddy!" And before ten whole minutes were up Gerard was jerking Frank off frantically while filling the condom with his own cum. Frank groaned loudly before shooting his load all over Gerard's fingers and his own stomach.

Gerard licked his cum off his fingers and Frank's sensitive dick gave a feeble twitch at how hot that was.

"So.. did the birthday sex live up to expectation?" Gerard asked after a few minutes of heavy breathing.

"Fucking definitely."

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