Part 7

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Your POV                                                                                                                                                                    "M-Mister, is your brother okay?" "Borisss! Noooo! We need to get out of here." "Right Boris we need to get out of here" he looks angry and shoot us but he miss and we ran out of there, he chase us and keep laughing. It sent chill down my spine. We hide behind a wall scare, Boris have tears in his eye "There's no need to hide you guys, i just wanna Fucking kill ya that's all! And i'm gonna enjoy it!" he said in a creepy singing tone "I'LL FIND YOU! I'LL ALWAYS DO! I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU'LL NEVER REST! NEVER! " he keep saying while laughing then he start crying *hic* *sniff* "" then come out of his eyes he knee down, still crying. He look like he loose his mind "A-Aright Mugs let's split up. A-And you look over to the r-right. N-No my right you i..idiot!" "YAY TEAM WORK!" he keep laughing like crazy. We hide behind the walls feeling scare yet worried "You guys stay here, let me go check on him" i said, Bendy tried to stop me but i was all ready out. I saw Cuphead tries to kill him self, i run and stop him "What the heck are you doing! ARE YOU MAD!?" he look at me with teary eyes "W-Who am i kidding? I-I the one who killed him. I'm the one need to die!" "You know well that was an accident!" i tried to comfort him "My fault or not.. An accident or not.. Why would any of this matter? It's all over! It's either both of us or nothing..." "I JUST WISH I COULD'VE SAID I LOVE HIM" *sniff* *hic* and he cried into me chest ( A/N: Don't think dirty) i hug him "Hey, it's okay him brother wouldn't want this to happened to you" then he seem not to move "Um are y-you ok?" 'Oh, he's still breathing.. i though he died for a second there. Look like he didn't get any sleep since that accident' you though   

Bendy POV

I still feel a little jealous because Y/N hug him, we walk over to her "Y-Y/n is he aright?" "Yes he is just asleep. Let's find a safe place for him to stay and we'll be on our way." "Y/n's right, we have to keep you safe Boris" "Wait! we're leaving him?!" "Yes, it's the best way" "Wh.." "I'm sorry Boris, there no hope for him" we bring to the hospital to rest, we paid the nurse and leave.

Bendy and Boris the quest for the ink machine. Bendy x Reader (No requests)Where stories live. Discover now