What Is Happening.

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Hey guys. Another update. I think I'm getting better at updating. Maybe? Kinda? Eh. I write when I write. Close enough, lol.


What has happened. Where to begin? Well, I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 months, 3 weeks ago. I feel kinda bad that I did it but at the same time, it was liberating because Fuckboys be Fuckboys. It's a long story about him and soooo many things adding in. So yea, I got to a breaking point and had enough. I'm still hurting from it all, because I had given him a second chance after what happened the first time we dated and it ended the same way. *le shrug* Oh! And he's going after my friend who's like a little sister to me for sex. It's sad tbh.

I got asked out on my very first day back to my summer job by a coworker. I had a major crush on him last year and the feelings were mutual. I asked him out last year at the end of summer (he waited 3 whole months to finally tell me  that he liked me and my friend had to basically force it out of him. Oh boy...) and he agreed but as school went on, things just didn't work out. So we ended it and remained friendly. Idk, he makes me happy but he's a little clueless when it comes to the dating world but hey, he'll figure it out. At least that's what I told him, lmao.

I got into a huge fight with a "friend." because she asked me a random question that was completely out of character for her and I asked the friend that she was wondering if I had pictures of, what was going on. He told me and it was fine but she made a big deal out of it when she "didn't want to" simply because I asked the friend what was going on. She just apologized for her actions and everything else that went along with it a few mins ago. I'm not sure how to really process it all.

I had my first class for my CNA program. It was good but it's all terms right now and I'm wanting to be more hands on. My instructor told me that we practice on each other before we go to places to use our knowledge/skills. She also told me that there are no personal space bubbles anymore. Those got popped the moment we walked in the door. Lol, whatever you say teach.

My life is a chaotic nutshell and sometimes it's good.

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