Holidays & Family

13 1 0

Christmas was... oh god where do I even start?

A 13 hour drive there and back with my parents plus my sibling. -Joy

Oh and I had anxiety/panic attacks the entire time there from my wonderful father who seemed to find any and every reason to yell at me. Thus making me panic and cry.

Also, my uncle's fiancé has a giant ass family and that family has little kids. Little kids running around + a small house + me = bad mix. It doesn't help that we literally spent our entire Christmas Day there with her stupid family that none of us knew the names of, doing what she wanted just to make my uncle happy. We got back to my grandparents's house late but still opened presents. -I was grumpy

Didn't help that my cousin had to leave the same day, so he could go back to work the next day. Making his sister (my other cousin) drive him to the airport and then take forever to get back. She got in a car crash (she's ok and so is the other person) and we couldn't leave without her. -This was the same day we went to my uncle's house

To sum it up, I'm glad that it's over. Let's never do that again. Ok? Ok.

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