15. Sincerely,

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There was no love story for Jimin.

He hoped someone would understand him.

But even the girl he loved did not understand him.

He had no choice...

It was over for him.

He couldn't possibly live this way with these struggles, and with such inability.

He wrote a last letter for her too...

He sent it to her.... and waited for her to read it.


She looked through her daily mail only to find Jimin's signature, and 3 words that did not even allow her to open it.

Before I die,

She felt as if she had just killed someone...

A boy she cared enough for.... that she did not want to see him suffer.

But she did not realize...

The mistake she had made..

By rejecting him...

"Jimin... no," she spoke to herself before running out of the house.

She was stopped on her way as she saw Jimin with a big smile on his face right in front of her door.


She tried to run up to him but was stopped when Jimin spoke 3 words...

"I love you."

He waved at her, and turned his back towards her.

She tried to take a step.... speechless from the situation...

Jimin kept walking and walking farther away from her.

At one point he turned back around to see her looking down at the letter in her hands that also had 3 words...

Before I die,

"Y/N!" he yelled from afar keeping the smile on his face, "Don't forget to read it!!"

Alexithymia | p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now