H~ Heaven

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Aphmau shot up from her bed sensing something bad was happening or about to happen..


Aphmau got out of her bed quickly and ran to her car.


Laurance and Aphmau were hugging right before Laurance left.

"Have fun camping." Aphmau said.

"I will. You stay out of trouble, sweetie." 

Aphmau laughed and she looked at her wedding ring.

"Just think about this, Aphie. When I come back from camping you and I are getting married." Laurance said smiling.

Aphmau nodded happily and kissed him. Laurance kissed back and wrapped his arms around Aphmau's waist.

But they were quickly interrupted by Garroth honking the car horn.

Laurance laughed and kissed Aphmau's cheek.

"I'll see you in a few days. I love you."

"I love you too." Aphmau responded.

Laurance got into the car and they drove off.


While Aphmau was driving she got a call from Garroth.

"A-Aphmau! Laurance! He!"

"What happened?"

"He got attacked! Get up here!"

Aphmau hung up and drove to the camping sight they were at.

"Where is he!" Yelled Aphmau.

Travis pulled Aphmau into their tent and she saw Laurance breathing heavily with blood all over him.


Aphmau kneeled next to him and grabbed his hand.



Aphmau turned to the guys.

"What did he get attacked by?" Asked Aphmau.

"We don't know. Travis thinks it was a bear, I think it was a wolf, and Dante thinks it was a wendigo.."

Aphmau looked at Dante and he just shrugged.

"I was watching Supernatural before we came here.."

"Okay whatever. Did you guys call an Ambulance?"

"Yea. Right after we called you." Travis responded.

After a tiny bit the Ambulance came. Aphmau went with Laurance to the hospital.

"Is he okay?" Asked Aphmau rubbing her arm as she looked into Laurance's room.

"Honestly.. we don't know Ms. Pheonix." The docotor said.

Aphmau sighed and went back into Laurance's hospital room. Aphmau sat in a chair and held his hand.

And.. after a few minutes his heart monitor started beeping quickly.

"What the.. oh my god.. Help!!"

The nurses and docotors ran in and tried to help him.

Aphmau stayed in the back of the room crying.

But.. they couldn't help him..  the line went flat.

"L-Laurance!" Aphmau ran up the him and the nurses held her back.

"No! Laurance!"


Aphmau stood with everyone on a rainy day. Kawaii~Chan had her hand on Aphmau's shoulder as she put a rose ontop of Laurance's grave.


Aphmau was wearing her wedding dress staring at the river below her.

"I'm sorry Laurance! I-I just can't live without you!" Cried Aphmau.

Then... she jumped.

"Twenty-two year old Aphmau Pheonix was found dead in the river below the Pheonix Drop bridge."

All of Aphmau's friends gasped.


Now you may think that Aphmau made the wrong decision. But Aphmau was greeting in heaven by her true love. She was happy again. She finally got to feel the warm embrace of her true love.

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