I~ In a bag

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Aphmau Pheonix is a 16 year old girl going into her second year of Highschool. She doesn't have any friends and is super quiet.

Aphmau's parents had died so she lives in a apartment by her school.

One day Aphmau went to her apartment to have lunch since she had left over food that she forgot to pack.

Aphmau was looking at instagram and she glanced up at her time.

"Oh crap!"

Aphmau grabbed the empty bag that her food was in and her school bag. Aphmau realized her trash was completely full, she thought about just leaving it out until Aphmau school but something drew her outside

Aphmau lifted up the lid of the rubbish bin, but she heard faint cries from a baby.

Aphmau's head instantly turned back to the bin and on the ground she saw a duffle bag.

"What the hell..?"

Aphmau knelt down to the bag and the crying got louder.

"No no no.."

Aphmau hestitiantly un-zipped the bag and saw a newborn baby girl. She was extremely pale and looked sick. Aphmau covered her mouth and started crying.

"Why would someone do this to an Innocent baby?" Cried Aphmau.

Aphmau picked up the baby and she was just in a small pink blanket. Aphmau bounced the baby slightly.

"Sh sh.."

Aphmau checked her phone and saw she was already late for school so she called the school.

The school knew her parents died so she was allowed to call in and they always trusted her.

"Hello?"Asked the front office lady.

"Hi, I can't come back to school. Uhm.. time of the month started.."

"Oh yea. Get well hun."

Aphmau hung up and called her doctor. She made an appointment for the baby.

Aphmau carried the baby up to her room. She turned on the sink to give the baby a bath. She got the temperature to the right one and she put the baby in the sink.

"She's so beautiful.."

Aphmau washed the baby and wrapped her back up in the blanket and walked to the doctors.

"Wow she's a supriseingly healthy week old. Wait.. this is Amanda Jacksons baby.. she died right after this baby was born. She didn't even get a name."

"Wow.. I found her by my trash can..."

"Wow you are so lucky you found her before she died."

Aphmau picked back up the baby and rubbed her back.

"She's not gonna be an orphan.. I'm gonna adopt her."

Aphmau took care of the baby and decided to name her Hope.

Everyday after school Aphmau would run out of her classes and go home.

One boy named Laurance noticed this and walked home after her. And went he knocked on the door and Aphmau answered holding Hope.


"Aphmau? You have a baby?"

"Let's get one thing straight. I adopted Hope."

"Oh." Laurance said.

After a few weeks Laurance had helped Aphmau and Hope. But everyone spread Aphmau of being pregnant and Laurance being the father.

Aphmau stopped going to school and one day Laurance walked into her apartment.

"Hey Aphmau. Hope asleep?" Asked Laurance.

"Ye." Aphmau was in her Pajamas wrapped up in a blacket.

"Good so I can do this."

Aphmau looked at him confused and he kissed her.

Aphmau's eyes widened in shock.


"I love you Aphmau. I love Hope too.. I just hope you accept my feelings." 

"I do." Aphmau responded.

Laurance smiled and hugged Aphmau.

Hope started crying and Laurance stood up.

"I got her."

When Aphmau and Laurance turned twenty they got married and a few years later they had another baby girl named Bella.

Even though they didn't have all the money in the world, they still lived a very very happy life with their beautiful baby girls.

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