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Criss was now well on his way to Colorado, with John Farrell driving the RV...Sully, Klayton, JD, Costa, and Johnny was in the TRICK'D' UP RV, and the others were divided into the other vehicles. It wasn't even two hours into driving that Sully was complaining about being bored...Klayton was reading a story to Johnny...so he'd stop pestering everyone with it...he went to Sully, and to his two other uncle's but they were talking to Criss about what he was going to be doing once they got to Colorado...which was quite a ways yet. 

After his story was over with...Johnny brought out his toy dinosaurs wanting Klayton to play with him...Klayton gave a little sigh, but plopped on the floor next to him and started playing with the dino's with him...but Klayton's favorite toy was Godzilla...but Johnny thought it was just another dinosaur...until his uncle Klayton distinguished the difference to him...then suddenly it was his new favorite dinosaur...that and the Pachycephalosaurus...but Klayton thought it was his favorite just so he could hear him...try to say it...Klayton looked up at Criss and told Johnny to go as his daddy what kind of dinosaur it was...Johnny shook his head and went over carrying his little dinosaur...then hopped up in his dad's lap...and asked him what type of dinosaur it was.

Criss stopped his dull conversation and looked down at the dinosaur...he rolled it around in his hands a little bit, then he tried to say it...but he looked up and saw Klayton snickering...and Criss told his son it was a ram head...then he looked at Klayton and told him he put his son up to asking him about the damn dinosaur...knowing he wouldn't be able to pronounce the word...then Criss mouthed to him without speaking and called his buddy an asswipe...Klayton just stood up and shook his ass as him then went back to the bubble seat and plopped in it and looked out the window checking out some of the sights...Criss kissed his son and told him to go get him...and kick his butt for him...so his daddy could get back to his conversation with his two crazy brothers.

Johnny slid down with his dinosaur and ran back into Klayton's lap and put his head in between his arms and peeked out the window too. They took a gas and stretch break...and so Costa could take over driving for a while to give Mr. Farrell a break. Sully ran out of the RV and bought almost the whole damn station out of junk food...and beer...but Criss told him to put the beer back...no alcohol in the RV. Sully frowned then pouted, but he took all the beer back into the station...except for one longneck...that he downed in 8 swallows...so he wouldn't take it in the RV. Criss slapped him playfully and told him no drinking around his son...unless it was a soda, juicebox, or water. Sully grabbed his head, and told him he didn't drink it around his son...he drank it out in the driveway.

Klayton was bringing Johnny out from the station...with a grape popsicle and a new purple dinosaur...Criss chuckled at him and told him that he was spoiling him...Klayton gave him a cheesy ass grin and told him that's what he was there for...somebody had to take care of the little guy and spoil the hell out of him...Criss went over to where they were and held out his arms for his son to jump into...after he did, Johnny asked him what type was his new dinosaur...Criss looked at it, and said it was a Stegosaurus...then he looked over and Klayton and said he knew how to pronounce that one. Klayton snickered at him and said he sure did...Criss gave his son a kiss and hollered at everyone to all aboard!! that it was go time.

8 hours later, they finally made it to the Colorado border...Costa asked Criss if he had any idea's on where he wanted to host TRICK'D' UP at...Criss looked around thru the windows and said he would do it in multiple towns and cities in the state...but first it would have to be announced, that he was there to do it...so he wanted to head to the nearest news station...so it could be spread thru the television for people to get ready to see the craziest shit ever! Costa pulled up at a live feed news broadcasting station for the local area...Criss jumped out and went into the office, and handed them some cash if they'd let him announce his show on their local stations...they excitingly obliged him for most of them knew of him, and were huge fans of his old show on A&E, Mindfreak! They all asked if he was going to go back on television again but Criss said they would all now his plan as soon as he announced it over the television.

After Criss announced it thru the television the said they'd play it during commercials as well so the working people would get the chance to see it too...Criss shook hands with them all and gave a few autographs...and for a few of the ladies, he managed to do a little close-up magic for them...Criss gave his team his hearty thumbs up, and said it was done...now it was time to find a place to park and get some much-needed rest...and maybe something more than junk food to eat. Sully had read his mind already for he and JD were already out on their way to get some grub for dinner...Criss called his mom and let her and Lynn know where they were and that everything was just great so far, and that he loved her, and he'd keep in touch with her. Klayton was in the RV taking a nap with Johnny in the bedroom...because he was worn out keeping up with the active 4-year-old...plus riding long distances always put him to sleep eventually. Criss hopped back in the RV and plopped down on the other side of his son and decided to take a short catnap himself until Sully and JD got back with the food...and hopefully, it wouldn't be more raw fish and seaweed...Sully was good about buying shit like that...and Criss just couldn't stomach it anymore...and Johnny hated seafood.

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