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Criss was preparing for his main TRICK'D' UP show...when Rachel saw her sister's car pull up in the parking lot...and slowly got out...she was wearing nice light blue stained cut-off shorts and a light red spaghetti string Mindfreak shirt. She had her hair in two pigtails...and wearing a Mindfreak beanie hat. Rachel jumped out of her boyfriend's arms and went over to her and pulled her to where Klayton was sitting...Klayton stood up as Rachel introduced them...Klayton shook her hand and kissed her on the cheek as Rachel told him her sisters name was Kc...then looked at Rachel and asked when they were going to take her to Criss...Rachel playfully elbowed him and told him they weren't...that Kc was going to introduce herself to him after the show...at total randomness...then Rachel spun around to look at Klayton...and added that she was totally going to do it on her own, and in her own way.

Klayton backed off and said he got the message, then he went into the RV to grab some chips or something to snack on. Sully and Sandy finally decided to make it back to the Rv site, but after they welcomed Rachel's sister, and wished her the best of luck...then they both headed into the spare camper and made themselves scarce for the next few hours. JD and Costa were chasing Johnny around the park until they lost track of him...after they didn't see him for a few minutes they began to panic, and Costa hollered for Abby to help look for him...Criss was now performing for the people...that magically multiplied after the first twenty minutes. Criss was really enjoying the crowds and the strength of their encores.

Costa now had everyone searching for Johnny...he was nowhere to be seen. Kc was watching Criss's performance for the first time ever, and she was magically magnetized to him while he was energetically working his magic all around the stage. Johnny was crawling in between the crowd's legs trying to make it to the front of the stage where his daddy was...until someone stepped on his hand...when he cried out...he was close to where Kc was, and she heard him...and moved the people out of the way...and picked him up and immediately looked over his hand, and asked him if he was alright.

Johnny looked up at her and wiped his eyes out with his other hand and held out his hand and said owie...she checked his hand over real good and said that it wasn't broken...then she kissed it and said it would make it feel better...Johnny giggled a little and held out his hand again for her to kiss it again...she smiled down at him and told him he was such a little ham...as she kissed his hand again...just then Klayton pointed out to JD and Costa that Rachel's sister had Johnny up by the stage...they both relaxed, and told everyone that Johnny was safe and they could go back to what they were doing. Criss was looking out at the audience when he saw Johnny in the girl's arms giggling and talking to her...and she was talking with him and watching the show at the same time...Criss heard her ask who he was as she pointed up at the stage to him...Johnny giggled and told her that he was his daddy.

Kc took a better look at him and realized that it was Johnny Crisstopher...from the pictures Rachel sent her a few weeks ago...Kc gave him a little squeeze and asked him if he thought his daddy might like her...Johnny gave her a big smile and opened his arms out wide and said yeah very loudly...Criss took a closer look at her while he was knelt down at the edge of the stage and almost fell off the damn thing when he caught a glimpse of her crystal blue eyes...but luckily he managed to keep his balance...then hopped off the stage and held out his hand to Kc, and asked her for her assistance...then he looked at Johnny and asked him what he was doing hitting on pretty girls for...as he rubbed his head...Criss took her and Johnny up on his stage then handed Johnny to Klayton that was standing in the corner by the stage and told him to keep him under lock and key until he finished up with the last performance...which was going to be the Caboolture Chair.

Criss walked her over to the chair and asked her for her name...she smiled at him and said Kc...Criss locked her name in the back of his mind for safe keeping, then asked her if she was claustrophobic or anything...and she said not at all...Criss gave her a smile and said awesome...then grabbed the cloth and covered her with it, but kept her head uncovered to show everyone that she was really under the cloth...then he walked around the chair, and slowly covered her head, but before he did he gave her his goodbye kiss...which lasted a little longer than he usually did it...then tossed the cloth up, and quickly removed the cloth and Kc was gone...then Criss rushed to the far side of the stage where his steel crate was at and threw the lid off and pulled Kc out of the crate...then he balanced her as she stood on the crate's edge.

Then he slowly turned around and lifted her off the crate and casually sat her down in front of him, and kissed her hand and thanked her for her lovely assistance...then he told everyone thanks for coming and to have a wonderful evening...and tomorrow if they wanted to come back...he would be doing a little mentalism, and hellstromism...with anyone that wanted to participate...then he pulled Kc off the stage with him and headed to the RV so he could change into clean/dry clothes. Johnny saw Kc and slid down Klaytons leg and scampered over to her wanting her to hold him again...by lifting his arms up and saying uppie over and over again. Kc smiled down at him and held her hands out for him to grab a hold of...then, he incredibly climbed his way up into her arms...Criss walked out and gave a slight chuckle and said he never saw his son take a liking to anyone so fast before. 

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