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While everyone was watching Criss perform...Abby and Rachel were in the RV...because Rachel sent Abby to town with them the first day they got to Oklahoma to pick her up a very specific item...as soon as Abby handed it to her she ran into the bathroom and used it...when she was finished...she came out with a very nervous look on her face...and didn't say one word...before she left out of the RV to take a walk...Abby went into the bathroom and looked at the magic wand she used...and she looked at the color of it then her mouth opened in mild shock...and chased off after her.

Meanwhile, Klayton was carrying Johnny over to the stage...but when he got there Johnny didn't want his daddy this time he pointed to Kc and said want mommy...Klayton cleared his throat and playfully tossed Johnny to her...and told her not to be shocked what he calls her...then he shuffled of very fast...back to Criss...while he was taking a water break Klayton told him what Johnny was calling Kc...already...Criss did a breakdance spin and looked where Klayton left them...and saw how Johnny was reacting with her...and he couldn't help but want to dance a little bit for as happy was his heart was at that moment...there was finally a girl that both he and Johnny agreed on...and she liked both of them...or at least he knew she really loved Johnny anyway...he, on the other hand, might be a little iffy still he thought humorously to himself...but it was a working progress.

Criss got back on the stage and did a few more mentalism gigs...then it was getting to be the hot part of the day and most of the people wanted to get back to their own homes...where it was cool. Which Criss didn't mind at all for he was really wanting to move on to the next location...and just get back home to Serenity with hopefully his new girlfriend...if all worked out for him...which he had really high hopes on. Abby finally caught up with Rachel and asked her how long she knew about it...Rachel looked at her, and said she didn't know...but now she does...and she was afraid to tell Klayton about it...because Klayton was never really serious about anything...and she wasn't sure if Klayton was that serious about her...then she said if Klayton was as secure as Costa was with her that she wouldn't be nervous at all in telling him...but that just wasn't the case.

Abby thought about it for a while and said she wouldn't say anything...but she shouldn't hide something that serious from him. Rachel thanked her for not saying anything...then she took a walk for a while to be alone to gather her thoughts...then she grabbed her cell phone and texted her sister and told her that she needed to talk to her alone...and that it was important...Johnny was now asleep in her arms when she received the text...and walked over to Criss who just thanked everyone and hopped off the stage...Kc handed Johnny to Criss and said that her sister needed her for a minute...then she raced off to the location in the park to meet her in privacy. Kc got there and as soon as she saw the look on her sister's face, she knew she was troubled...but Kc didn't even have to ask...she asked her when she found out about it...then asked who all knew about it. Rachel grabbed her and asked her how should she tell Klayton. Kc looked right at her and said straight out with no surprises or beating around the bush...just tell him...then she added if she really was too nervous to tell him...that she'd tell his crazy ass for her...if she wanted her too.

Rachel gave her a hug and thanked her for her love and support...then stopped and asked her how she felt about it...Kc smiled at her and said she loved it...then added that she may not be able to have any...but at least she could have niece's and nephews to spoil...Rachel thanked her again...then they walked back to the RV together...with Rachel having a new burst of inner strength and security...she looked over at the lawn chair that Klayton was now almost fully asleep in and grabbed him by the hands and hauled his ass to his feet and ordered him to take a walk with her...Klayton looked at her and said them sounds like fighting words...Rachel put up both of her dukes and said let's go big boy...but Klayton backed up and said seriously...then grabbed her hand and let her lead him away.

Kc looked around and noticed that the entire crew were all pretty much separated doing their own thing...while Criss was in the RV with Johnny...so she decided to jump in too just to see what they were up to...Johnny was sound asleep still, so Criss quietly grabbed her, and walked out of the RV with her then he sat down in the lawn chair and pulled her down with him...and kissed her on the cheek...and told her that tomorrow was traveling day...Criss turned over to where Kc was underneath him...as he moved her hair away from her face...he leaned down and asked her a question in her ear...when he moved away she was 50 shades of red...but instead of denying him or laughing at him...she put her hand on the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her and placed her lips on his and caught him off guard by making the first move.

Meanwhile, back to where Rachel took Klayton by the pond...she sat him down on the bench and told him that she was pregnant...but she was a little too nervous to look into his eyes to see his reactions...but Klayton surprised the hell out of her...and tilted her head up to him so her eyes could meet his...and told her how happy she just made him...then for the first time since he's been with her...he told her very seriously that he loved her...then asked when she thought his baby was going to pop out and say hello...Rachel looked at him and told him the baby better not do any popping out...until after he says he'll marry her...Klayton cleared his throat a little bit and just as he was about to say something he ducked tail and ran back to the RV...Rachel glared at him and hollered at him...telling him he better not be gun shy after getting her pregnant!...then she chased off after him...knowing that there wasn't any place for him to hide...but she also knew that he was just playing with her ass now...but she couldn't help it...she loved him so much.

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