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Criss and the team have been at the house for an entire week now...just not feeling at all up to going on the road again...but Criss told them all it was almost all done...all that was left was home sweet home in Nevada...and the off island of Hawaii...then the TRICK'D' UP tour would be complete...and that they couldn't give up now...Johnny came scampering down the stairs with the basket with the two papers in it...and handed to JD wanting to pick one out...Criss shook his head in agreement and told Johnny to do the final picking...Johnny crawled up in Klayton's lap...and reached into the basket...and looked at the paper that was in his hand...he looked at Criss and said daddy we are going home!!

Criss looked at it, and sure enough it read Nevada on the paper...which in Criss's mind was perfect...that way Costa and he both could introduce their mom to their girls they acquired on the journey...then Costa would probably want to get married before heading to Hawaii...that way they could have their honeymoon after the three days of TRICK'D' UP was finished...and Kc didn't know it yet...but it will also be where Criss will be proposing to her...in Hawaii...if she would be ready for that kind of commitment with him so quickly...but it wasn't quick for Criss...he was used to getting things when he wanted them...and hopefully for Criss's sake it was the same thing Kc wanted.

JD and everyone else pitched in, on loading everything back up into the RV's...Criss hopped behind the wheel and said homeward bound...Vegas here we come...again!! Kc was very excited about seeing Vegas for the first time...even though she never got to see Criss perform at the Luxor...she would still get to see everything else...and all of his favorite spots to hang out at...and get to see his magical mansion paradise that he created for himself...Serenity. Johnny was so happy knowing he was going home to see gramma, and Chicklet, for he really missed them...and his house...After the long drive and the many stops in between, Sully was driving with Sandy sitting on his lap...when they finally pulled up in Serenity's driveway...before any of them could get out...Dimitra, Lynn, Dimi, and Chicklet were all out ready to greet them after their very long and tiresome journey.

Criss, Johnny, and Kc were all in the back bedroom napping...Sully and Sandy hopped out first...followed by JD holding flowers for his wife, and his mom...then he had a few gifts for his daughter from all the locations he went too...after he gave them all hugs he took his wife and daughter around to the back yard so they could have some family bonding...Costa popped out next with Abby in his arms...and as he sat her down...he introduced her to his mom...Dimitra gave her a very welcoming hug into the family. Chicklet smelled her owners...and she was barking frantically...that's when Johnny popped his eyes opened and quickly crawled out of the bed and scampered out the door and screamed Chickie!! very loudly...as soon as Johnny was out of the RV...he was on his backside with Chicklet covering him on the ground licking him frantically while whining loudly...and her tail beating very rapidly.

Criss woke up and gently kissed Kc on the lips to awaken her...then when he heard Johnny squealing in delight, he knew Chicklet was licking him to death...he snickered to himself and said he better go rescue his son from Chicklet slobbers. Kc got out of the bed but when she saw Dimitra standing out there laughing at the sight of her grandson and Chicklet...she hesitantly backed away from the door and sat down at the table...Klayton and Rachel got into his car and he took his wife on the tour of Vegas for some alone time...Criss saved Johnny only for Chicklet to really attack him with the kisses...letting him know that she really missed her daddy...and her boy pup. Criss pulled his mommy into his arms and gave her a big squeeze and kiss then handed her grandson to her...and said now that Chicklet gave him a bath he would definitely need another one...but Dimitra didn't care she kissed her grandson anyway...Criss looked around and when he noticed Kc wasn't out there with him...he jumped back into the RV and told her to come out, so he could introduce his mommy to her...Kc gave him a very worried look...Criss sat down beside her and promised her it would be fine...that his mommy loved everyone.

Criss helped Kc out of the RV, and Chicklet began to bark frantically not knowing her scent...Criss gave her a little scolding and said it was fine...after Chicklet calmed down and let Kc pet her, she was fine with her...Criss pulled her over to where Dimitra was still holding Johnny...and before he could introduce her properly...Johnny squealed out that she was his mommy...Dimitra looked at Kc and gave her a smile and told her how welcome she was to be a member of the family...then she gave her a kiss on the cheek...and thanked her for making her little boy happy again...and for being there for her grandson. Kc relaxed after the pressure of the unknown was over with...then Criss lifted Kc into his arms and asked his mommy to lead the way to the house...Criss carried Kc across the threshold and gave her the grand tour of his humble abode...which would hopefully be hers as well.

Johnny grabbed Kc's hand and said he wanted to show mommy his room...so Kc let Johnny lead the way with Chicklet following hot on their heels...while Johnny kept Kc with him for a while...Criss sat down with his mom and asked her what she thought about her...and if he should ask Kc to marry him...Dimitra was overly thrilled to hear those words come from her little boy's lips...and told him it was a wonderful idea...then she added how happy she was for him. Criss then said that he wasn't done with the tour...that he still had to go to Hawaii...but then he added that he didn't think he should take Johnny away from home again...because he was truly happy about being home, and didn't want him to get upset about leaving again. Dimitra quickly agreed, and said that she and Lynn would take care of him...and he would have his own room and yard to play in...and he would have Chicklet and his niece Dimi to play with.

Sully and Sandy came in and said that they were done with the tour...because Sully just got called in from his music producers saying that they had a gig for him to do...and he couldn't pass up the opportunity...then afterward he and Sandy were going to get hitched once he got back to Boston...Criss gave his brother a hug and kiss on the side of the head and told him bye and good luck...then told him how much he enjoyed his company.

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