3. Hehe *Tilly Beans Voice*

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3. Hehe *Tilly Beans Voice*

~Tilly Beans P.O.V.~

In the days that followed- oh shit, it's already been a week? Bruh that can't be. No way a whole seven days has gone by since that night the m word was brought up. The m word being marriage, I prefer not to use it's full name. Anyways, huh... I guess it has been a week but wow talk about a really slow week. I swear these calendars are fucking with me the wrong way but I'm spending too much time with this.

In the week that followed, Arlie and I might as well be at a stalemate. He tries to give me affection but I just chuckle and brush it off as he once did to me. I want him to beg the same way I was begging him and to me there's something special about hearing a grown man beg for your attention, however I get a gut feeling he's not going to break down and beg. He's as stubborn as an ox and I of course will hold out-

"Good morning, Mami." He said as he walked down the stairs. He knew good and well what he was doing because he never wears gray sweatpants around the house, they're always black but this time they were gray, putting everything on display and he knew I was deprived. Starved. Aching. Lord the view I got sent a chill down my spine and he caught that chill based on that snide smirk that managed to appear on his face. "Are you okay? You seem like you're off."

"Oh I'm on, turned on that is." I said back without a flaw, crossing my leg tighter over the other since I now had the unsettling feeling of not being able to sit comfortably on this chair no matter what position I try. "You look nice." I complimented as he stuffed his hand deep in his pocket... merely milometers away from what should gladly be in my hands.

"Thank you, I thought you might like it." He continued on his way throughout the house while I just sat here... like I do all the damn time around here. I wasn't going to be the one to give in, he will eventually crack and that's what I'm waiting for. I just wish he'd crack already, it's been a whole fucking week and I know he misses our showers togethers just as much as I do. "Wanna go on a walk with me?" He offered when he came walking back over to my general area. "It's nice out and you need to get out of the house."

"What if I don't want to?"

"You're goin', you now have no choice so get dressed and we'll go." He continued to make his way to the laundry room to most likely get something to throw on from the dryer but I remained sitting here. "Tilly Beans get up." He demanded in a lower tone that kind of scared me but that good kind of scare- no Tilly Beans. Don't crack. Don't crack.

"Fine." I said under my tongue as I finally got up and headed back up the stairs to our room. If there was one thing about Arlie that I didn't like, it had to be the fact he was always out of the house. Whether it be just outside talking to the neighbor, out at the trap or over at someone else's house, he just wasn't a homebody. I've become one of those for sure because every time I'm out some foolery goes on but the reason why I hate when he's out is because I don't always know what he's doing. With what happened with King, now that I know whenever King was supposedly at the gym or his Mom's, there was only about a one percent chance of that actually being true so now it's left me very weird towards Arlie always being out. Granted, Arlie does invite me along but there are those times I'll wake up and not find him there or go to bed without him and it has me wondering.

This is why people are the worst, they do one person wrong and that person has to carry the leftover burden around with them. That's the main reason why I chose to stay away from serious relationships, fuck buddies were the most I'd do because you can't really be done wrong by a fuck buddy besides be stood up by them but that ain't anything bad. Either way, let me get dressed and such, maybe I can talk him into getting ice cream when we're done. A double scoop of chocolate on a chocolate dipped waffle cone with sprinkles sounds pretty good.

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