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"how is this even possible?" were the first words jm heard after gaining consciousness.

he heard more people talking and discussing something around him while lying on the most comfortable bed he has ever slept on. but considering how this is the first bed he slept on, it wasn't such a big deal. kind of like how first kisses were the best. know why? because it's your first. and you have nothing else as an option. as the first, that means that at some point, they'd only been the option you have.

after a while of thinking with his eyes closed, the conversations came back into his mind. what he's sure of is that there are more than two people with him. he could hear footsteps echoing throughout the room of frustrated sighs and arguments.

he tried to grasp what's happening by listening to their conversation.

anything that could tell him about what the fuck is happening. he doesn't know who he is. he doesn't know how he got here. hell, he doesn't even know if everything here is real. but it's not that he doesn't remember anything. he's not supposed to because there's nothing to remember.

he existed just a few hours ago, and gained his consciousness just now. and it's almost as if, simply existing is a hard thing to do.

"sir, please explain what is happening. none of us could comprehend this." another man said, growing closer and closer as he speak.

jm continued to listen to the conversation, with his eyes still closed.

"i've read about this event. according to the book, when it had made a strong impact to the subject and may be there for a long time, a new emotion may be born."

"considering that yoongi is growing up, this might actually happen. growing up is a very complex thing and different things happen to different people."

this is when jm decided to 'wake up'. and boy, was it a bad idea. all eyes were on him making him flinch. no one said anything, only stare at him until a voice of a man echoed throughout the room.

what confuses him is that he never saw anyone opening their mouth as the voice was heard.

"ahhh. jm. you're awake." -the voice said, startling jm.

"who are you? how did i get here?" jm asked the voice

"Ahhh, you have a long way to go, jm. too much to learn."-the voice yet again said. only jmseems terrified with the voice heard inside the room.

"what do you mean?" jm asked, standing up from the bed and walking out of the glass that surrounds the bed.

the voice laughed "boys, i'll entrust the explanations to you" the five boys nodded.

they led jm to a round glass table with six chairs surrounding it. all boys seemed to have a chair of their own. jm noticed it is the same color as their eyes.

jm sat on a dark blue chair. at first glance, it looks like it's black but when illuminated with the light, it shows a dark-blue color.

"So?"-jm started, as no one can really initiate the 'meeting'

do they introduce themselves like how kids do it on the first day of classes even if they already know each other their whole life?

do they shake hands like how people who first met tell each other it was nice to meet them even if it isn't?

do they start off by laughing awkwardly at each other?

do they stay silent and never talk to each other until one would be courageous enough to start the conversation?

there are many possibilities running and it's hard to choose and do exactly that.

yoongi's known for being very quiet. that's why it's no question that his emotions are not very loud.

"can you all explain what's happening? i don't exactly know what I'm doing here"-jm.

"jm, i don't think we could explain something, we too, can't understand"-the man with pale, yellow eyes said, his hair is of a dark brown color with highlights of green on his fringe, covering his eyebrows.

"wait, did you just call me j? is jm my name?"

"You can call it that but we call it a codename assigned to you."-another man said. this one with periwinkle eyes and brown curls sat on his head.

"And, umm.. how old am i?"-jm once again asked.

"apparently," the man with blue eyes paused to look at his watch "you're 3 hours old"

jm was caught off guard. what do they mean by 3 hours old? he is obviously in an adult man's body, how could he be 3 hours old?

"this means that you existed 3 hours ago"-blue eyes continued. stating the obvious but seeing that jm has confusion written all over his face, he felt the need to explain.

"what?"-jm asked, confused. even with the information he got, nothing seems so understandable.

"whoa. whoa. whoa. hold the fuck up. how did i exist just like that? one second i was never here and the next i suddenly existed"-jm.

"we didn't know the answer to that question either. we were all the same. it isn't something explainable but when you get a hold of it, you'll understand" the one seated beside him said. green eyes staring into his almost black ones. "i'm jin by the way, I'm in charge of protecting yoongi" 'jin' continued, stretching his arms towards jm to shake.

jimin accepted jin's hand with questions in his mind. what does he mean with 'protecting' yoongi? and what the fuck is a yoongi?


i changed it to English because why not? English is not my first language tho so bear with me. it's extremely hard to express everything you want to say in a language you don't really use for casual conversations

 it's extremely hard to express everything you want to say in a language you don't really use for casual conversations

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