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the beautiful scenery could catch everyone's attention. the water from the river reflects the hiding sun. it's almost evening, but min yoongi continued to sit on a branch of a tree he sat on an hour ago.

he holds 10 stones, 5 in each hand. now down to 6, the 4 thrown into the river. he promised he'd go home after throwing all of it, lying to himself, he stopped throwing the stones so he could stay longer.

he doesn't want to go back for now.

the wind brushed past his mint greens making it messier, but yoongi couldn't care.

the endless "i don't give a shit's" and "i don't give a fuck's" has taken effect now, when everything isn't too cry-able. all this time, even when his expressions and actions could totally support the two statements, his whole insides cry for help.

fear and sadness works in a very strange way for him. he does not show it. never will you see him show it. but once everyone is away, everything crumbles down and min yoongi would be sobbing endlessly until the water from his body would be gone and he'd be crying blood.

pink, yellow, orange, and violets paint the sky. time runs too fast. yoongi remembers himself this morning preparing to go to his university, packing his other uniform for work, trying to fit it inside hi backpack.

now he's here.

what the fuck happened?

all he ever remembered was what usually happens to him at uni. what is there to remember? all are habits. all are instincts. his body would just continue working without his mind knowing.

he heard his phone ringing, disturbing the nature's calming lullabies. the breeze once again, blew, milder than the one before.

he grabbed his phone from his jacket's pocket, typing his password and seeing 4 missed calls from his friend hoseok and two text messages from his mother who-might i add, is angered at yoongi's 10-minute late response.

min yoongi, it's past 8,
where the fuck are you?!


yoongi, trying not to make his mother 'worry' too much, replied with:

i'm fine mom,
i'll be back soon

yoongi placed his phone back into his pocket and deeply sighed. he didn't know it was already this late. time sure runs fast.

now down to 3 rocks, he played with it in his hand. looking at the stars with tears threatening to fall down his flushed cheeks.

how can life be so fucking cruel?

why do we have to live?

why keep breathing when we're bound stop anyway?

min yoongi can't seem to find the point of living when sometime, after some years of endless pain, we'll die anyway. no one could remember us, no one would care. they would if you did something that makes their life easier. like being a genius or something. but min yoongi is everything but that.

he carefully climbed down the tree, jumping down and dusting himself off. he looked back at the sky once again before turning to run towards his house.

"mom! i'm back!" he shouted upon entering. the sweet smell of cupcakes lingered around their small home.

his mother loves baking, but she was never able to treat it as a hobby because they never had the luxury to buy everything she needed. every once in a while, she would bake for him and let him taste it. it's good. not bad, but also not the best. he loves his mother's cooking. even if while doing so, she'd be lecturing him about how he should do better with his life.

"sit." yoongi sat down and prepared himself for his mother's evening lectures.

the world is a dangerous place, my son, she would often say. it does not spare and it does not forgive.

but the world isn't dangerous. humans are. they are wilder than animals for they think like we do. they could be more of a threat than poison for they could know our weaknesses.

and so min yoongi listened.

"i know you have your job, but please don't stay out at this time"

"mom, i'm a college student, not highschool"

"yes, i know. but be careful, the w-"

"the world is a dangerous place, i know that mom. i hear that everyday from you."

"yes, min yoongi, you hear it everyday from me. your brain memorized every word, yet you never understood what the words meant"

sorry for the short chapter. i just wanted to introduce yoongi's character.

inside out。 [m.yg x p.jm] ✘Where stories live. Discover now