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hands are shaking. breaths uneven. heartbeat getting faster. everything feels like a disaster.

the other emotions are waiting for his actions. anticipating what would happen. With his book in one hand and the other moving towards the controls.

he isn't sure of anything. countless thoughts and prayers clouded his mind.

what would happen if i press the button?

would yoongi stop?

all they ever wanted Jm to do is find the right button to stop yoongi. just one damn button and jimin is already hyperventilating in his mind. he over thinks.

they saw yoongi's hands throw his books and pillows. again, sobs and angry curses are heard. His right hand wiped the tears that are falling. The tears blocked whatever the emotions could see, it was all just blurry images for them but from years of experience, they know he's in his room. because yoongi will never show anyone his tears.

min yoongi is depressed. jm is his depression.

"Jm." rm's commanding voice said. too much intensity for Jm to handle.

the events taking place is hard enough to cope with, in jm's opinion. and rm just had to use his intimidating voice. he just had to. to say that he wasn't scared is a lie, he himself can't tell.

the only way to stop everything is to press the button, so Jm did. holding his breath and closing his eyes, all he ever wished for is to stop yoongi from throwing everything in his bedroom.

yet again, the alarming sound is gone. jm opened his eyes and looked at the black screen in front of him.

what happened?

did i do something wrong?

Jm has too many questions to ask, yet nothing came out of his mouth. he kept quiet and listened. he can still hear yoongi's cursing. he's fine. he was just covering his eyes with his hands.

thank god.

jm breathed out what he was holding in for a long time. a faint, proud smile etched on his lips.

he was able to stop yoongi.

a small thing for others but a big achievement for jm. this is the first time he stopped yoongi by himself. three days have passed and the other emotions would still hold his hand and guide it to the controls. it disappoints him. he's disappointed that someone has to guide him to do his job. so jm volunteered to do it alone. the emotions were shocked of course, and worried.

one wrong more and everything can change. just like what happened before.

they allowed jmwith their teeth bitting their lips, and their hands clenched into fists.

they let out a breath they held in before jm pressed the button. they're proud too, that jm was able to to it by himself. still, the worry is there because even the most experienced emotion could make a wrong move.

silence engulfed the room. not ideal nor uncomfortable, just right. yoongi's cries were heard once again which made guk stand up from his seat and walk towards the controls.

he pressed almost randomly. Looking at the screen and his hands move in instincts. Jm aspire to be like the other emotions. they were able to control and help yoongi while here he is, still trying to learn everything.

Jm has a long way to go indeed.

but it was not only him. the other emotions experienced it too before. all of us went through a day without knowing anything. at one point in our lives, we became clueless as he is.

so he continued to understand a whole new world with determination. he wants to stop yoongi from being too depressed. He doesn't want yoongi to be upset.

a few hours have passed, everything is peaceful. everything is calm. yoongi took a nap right after he trashed his whole room. his door's locked so the emotions didn't mind if someone would come. yoongi is clever, he hides the spare keys every time he would lock his door.

his mom even had speculations that yoongi does something.. disturbing, like what all boys his age do.

press the 48th button t—

"hey Jm!" the cheerful boy with yellow eyes said. V.

"hi" jm returned a faint smile not quite reaching half of what V gave.

jm noticed something though. V seems off?

he acts the same way but something's missing and jm can't pin-point the problem. and so jm tried to observe him quietly while they talk.

"do you wanna watch yoongi's dream?" V asked, grabbing something similar to a remote. (he heard it from yoongi when he asked where the remote is)

"can we?"—jm.

" of course! just a sec" V replied while finding the right button to play and pressing it. the screen showed flashes of images that doesn't make sense. it's black and white and a little blurry.

yoongi's walking down the road back to their home. he's listening to a song and humming the words. his hands would occasionally get out of his pocket and use his legs as drums.

cherry blossoms stand in rows and brags their beauty. the sun's rays dimmed by clouds blown by wind. when looking above, you might get a glimpse of heaven. when looking straight ahead, wars take place. they could hear the loud curses from teenagers even younger than yoongi, but yoongi seems unfazed and decided to ignore it. it's their life they're ruining anyway. what's there to harm me when i don't stop them? yoongi's thought enveloped the quiet room.

the scene on the screen faded. Replaced with nothing until a light shined like the flask of a camera. another dream is taking place. this one from one of his memories. a quite uncomfortable one.

one of yoongi's bad memories. a nightmare that happened in his reality. a memory he can never forget. there are many unforgotten memories but this has left him more than any. this is what changed min yoongi.

As the dream progress, jm could see V's problem clearer. he's getting weaker.



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