chapter 6

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The water was cold to his skin and was salty to his taste, but he had Andrew and he felt safe.

"Lets dive!" Andrew shouted then quickly submerged his head underwater, he was holding his hand that's why he was also pulled down.

The underground water was restless, it was shaky and to Jason's surprise, his glasses fell from his head and was caught in the waves.

He rose up to get some air, "My glasses!" He shouted.

Andrew's head came out of the water, "whats the matter?"

"My glasses got washed out," he can feel his heartbeat rushing. "I can't see without those," he went underwater again, even though his eyes were all itchy because of the water, he tried to look for his eyeglasses, but he failed on doing so.

When he came up to gasp for air, Andrew stopped him from going under once more, "stop, you might get hurt!"

But he didn't listen, he needed to find his glasses. He needed those to see clearly. Aside from being color blind, he was also suffering a severe case of astigmatism, causing his vision to be blurry.

He dove deeper and deeper, his mind was fixed on getting his eyeglasses. He didn't budge even though he can already feel the tightening of his chest.

His eyesight became dimmer and dimmer every second. His thoughts were already clouding his mind, he cannot think straight anymore.

He was about to accept that fact he would die because he lost his breath, when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his fragile body. The arms were surprisingly warm, and he felt safe with those around him.

He knew that sensation, he was familiar with that feeling. The arms pulled him upwards and he breathed in a lot  of  oxygen when he rose.

"Are you okay, Jason?" Though his eyes were heavy, he saw Andrew face and he was relieved.

"Y-yes" he muttered.

He wasn't sure how but he felt the sand on his back. Andrew managed to get him back to the shore and laid him to the sand.

"Am I still alive?" He asked, still feeling exhausted.

"Yes, Jason...." it was Andrew comforting voice "... and please dare to believe"

Dare To BelieveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin