The Pre Show

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We stand in the drawing area, which is a red room with U.C.R.R. written in bold on a sign in the background, and a giant tumbler full of envelopes

Spinning the tumbler is wwe divas Trish Stratus And Torrie Wilson

Beavis and Butt-Head enter

butt-head looks over at trish, and oggles her

Butt Head: Hey Baby

Trish: just draw a number, pervert

beavis grabs 2 envelopes and gives one to butt-head

beavis leans over and whispers something to butt-head

Beavis: do what she says, and we could score

Trish: not in a million years

Butt-Head looks at beavis, and angrily tells beavis

Butt-Head: you ruined the plan butt munch!

butt-head slaps beavis and the two exit

Claude from Grand Theft Auto 3 enters,

trish and torrie look at him as he enters

claude walks to the tumbler

torrie looks at him confused

Torrie: hello?

claude ignores her, and takes his number and walks out

Torrie: that guys creepy

Trish: agreed

Mean Gene Okerlund gets in front of the camera holding a microphone

Mean Gene: as trish and torrie are giving out the numbers, let's go down to ringside and meet our commentary team for the evening

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