Wierd Hairstyles

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The crowd gave a decent pop to a teen with his hair in a Mohawk and a skull t-shirt

King: ooh, this guy looks tough

Jr: man, he's just some delinquent

Trebek: true, but he also won total drama action

Duncan ran into the ring, picked up Avgn and put him in a gts

Duncan then started stomping on avgn

Critic then came up to duncan and shoved him out of the way, so he could stomp Avgn

Duncan spun Critic around and nailed him with an rko

On the other side of the ring, sonic is punching jack bauer

King: sonic beating the life out of jack bauer!

Sonic then goes to the other side of the ring and runs torwards bauer

When sonic is close to bauer he goes for a high cross body

Jr: sonic going for a high cross body!

Bauer falls to the ground, making sonic miss the High cross body and go over the top and to the floor

King: jack ducked the move, sonic eliminated himself


Jack stood up and went after batman, knocking him down with a clothesline

Duncan went to Astaroth and tried to pick him up for a suplex, but he was too heavy

Astaroth grabbed Duncan by his Mohawk and flung him to the other side of the ring

The 10 second clock appeared on the titantron




The crowd was smiling as a short and very scrawny teen with thick glasses entered the arena to the urkel dance song

Steve entered the ring

Steve as soon as he entered, peter griffin walked up to him

Steve Urkel looked at Peter and started laughing and snorting

Peter then started laughing

Out of nowhere, Spongebob came up and clotheslined Peter

Steve stood in shock and nervousnous, steve then turned his head and started slapping, then punched spongebob

Scorpion came up and big booted spongebob

Scorpion turned and saw Urkel

Urkel got on all fours and crawled away to hide in a corner

Scorpion started to follow urkel, but just then Goku ran up and dropkicked Scorpion, knocking him onto the apron

Goku ran up to Scorpion, but scorpion kicked him in the side of the head

Urkel walked up to scorpion, and scorpion punched him in the face, knocking him out

The 10 second clock appeared on the titantron

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