Ninja Hockey players

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the crowd gave a very mixed reaction as the president of the united states entered, wearing a suit and tie as hail to the chief was playing

Trebek: shouldn't he be in the oval office, signing laws, not wrestling?

King: true, but he said he'd donate all the money to the poor if won

Jim Ross: do you really think obama has a chance against 2 members of an alien race and the clone of the perfect soldier?

obama ran to the ring, but stopped before he got in

obama took off his suit, revealing a wrestling singlet that said "obama #01"

obama entered the ring and started air boxing

Trebek: he's not even fighting anyone!

none of the other combatants noticed obama, as goku was busy fighting snake and rangiku was busy fighting vegeta

goku punches snake and throws him in the corner

goku was punching snake and obama runs up behind goku and punches him

King: uh oh mr president, you may have bitten off more the you can chew!

the punch had no effect, and goku turned at obama, pissed off

obama put his hands up and started to plead goku not to fight

obama ran torwards the ropes and jumped over the top and landed on the floor and high taled it out of the arena

Trebek: obama just eliminated himself!


rangiku clotheslined vegeta and walked over to snake

rangiku and snake ran torwards goku and irish whipped him

rangiku and snake double hip toss goku

vegeta double clotheslines rangiku and snake

goku and vegeta stared at the titantron as the 10 second clock appeared on the titantron




the crowd popped as a blonde spikey haired ninja in an orange jumpsuit entered the arena

naruto ran full speed and ran into the ring

as soon as he entered goku and vegeta started kicking him

naruto got up and kicked goku in the side of the head, knocking him down

naruto then ran to snake and did a flying forearm on him

rangiku ran to naruto with a clotheslinem but naruto ducked

naruto dropkicked rangiku

vegeta ran up and enziguried naruto, knocking him down

goku the ran up and leg dropped naruto

goku and vegeta pick up naruto and toss him over the top and to the floor

Trebek: naruto's gone!

The Ultimate Crossover Royal RumbleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ