Flashback Dreams

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I woke up in a booth across from Spencer not knowing what to say. Spencer was blushing and he didn't know what to say once he noticed I woke up "H-Hey" he said sitting up "Hi" I said awkwardly "How was your nap?" "Good, It was good" when we were talking about my moms death I must've triggered something in my mind because I had a nightmare. Spencer looked at me in disbelief "You sure? You look pretty freaked out... " "I-I do?" he nodded "Yeah... You do actually, you can tell me" "..." I turned and looked out the window "Sam, I... Did I make things weird?" "No... well, kinda I don't know " he nodded understandingly biting his lip.

Spencer sighed and sat back "I'm sorry... For everything I've brought up... " "N-No! It's fine! I'm actually glad! I... I've needed somebody to open up to, it's rare for me to... I expected Jack to but he's to shy and he'd rather talk to his dad which is understandable even though I've gone through just much as he has... Even though he was younger..." Spencer smirked. I sighed "I'm rambling aren't I?" I said folding my arms "It's cute" I smiled and nodded remembering what he said "I'm glad I've gotten to know you more Spencer" "Same, for me to know more about you" "I understand" "Heh, we both ramble when we're nervous!" you both laughed "Heeeyyy! Boy genius and girl genius getting closer Eh?" Morgan said smirking.

Spencer and I both blushed as he stared at us. Morgan smiled "I see this! I know whats going on!" Spencer smiled "Shut up Morgan!" "Ha!" he winked as I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. Spencer smiled "I can't wait till this is over and we get there" "Wow,  I thought we were actually getting close!" "W-We are! I hate this trip like flying is all!" "Your wording it wrong, love" Spencer's eyes widened and his cheeks turned red.

I smiled and looked outside. I began to fall asleep. Next thing I know theres a hand going through my hair and I'm blushing and everything is black.

*Flashback Dream*

I kissed the cute boy who was in front of me. I remembered him ALOT. I remember it was like yesterday, his brown eyes his brown hair! I knew him before, the voice reminded me of Spencer. I pulled away and looked at him.

I smiled "I forgot your name baby" "It's Spencer Reid" I smiled "That's hot" "I-It is?" I nodded "Yeah it is, I love the name!" "That's good... " Spencer was blushing "Tell me about yourself" "I have an eidetic memory, I want to have 3 PHDs and I can read 1,000 words in a minute"

I kissed him again and again and again until he pulled away "Sorry Sam, I'm a virgin... " I nodded "Oh... That's fine" I kissed him again. Spencer was cute. Until he pulled away. I looked around "Law Vegas High School" I knew I was in my home town. My secrets were awakened and I realized Spencer was the boyfriend I left long ago. But the real question was did he remember me?

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