No Regrets

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Spencer called Garcia and she quickly answered "Hello my love bugs" I smirked. Spencer sighed "We have more information..." "Perfect! Because I possibly have the name of your unsub!" Spencer looked at me and smiled "Really?" Garcia laughed "Yes loverboy" I rolled my eyes "O-Ok what is it?" "James Rutherfront" "Thanks Garcia but we need to ask you things to look up" "Perfect!" "The unsub possibly went to a special school but can you look up the unsubs name?" Garcia typed "OK, James has ADD and OCD, he was tested for ADHD... He went to Oxford Special Children school..."

I shook my head at how James could be so dysfunctional with all of his disorders, I sighed "That's good" "How?" Penelope asked in sympathy "How we know more about our unsub" Spencer answered back confused "Oh, well... Yeah" I rolled my eyes. Garcia quickly changed the subject "S-So what have you two lovebirds been doing lately?" I blushed and so did Spencer "Nothing" Garcia made a noise in disbelief "Yeah, right!" "We haven't!" I hissed "Woah kitten!" I sighed, I was telling the truth. Me and Spencer were both virgins and little goody two shoes, I didn't like the title.

Spencer sighed and understood everything, he stared down at the phone "Everything is normal Garcia... Our relationship is growing by the second" I smiled and sat straight "That's a good thing" "It is, now you should be going now" "Alright, I'll leave you two to you makeout session" I rolled my eyes and smirked "OK bye" I sighed.

I was frazzled and blushing about all the thing Garcia said, I sighed. Spencer put his hand on my knee, and I turned even more red. Spencer smiled "So, a makeout session?" I laughed and shrugged, Spencer closed his eyes and leaned in. Spencer's cute pink lips half way from mine, I leaned in and kissed back. We kissed for a very long time until the phone rang, we pulled away and blushed, I answered it to Morgan. I sighed "Wassup?" Morgan laughed "Hey pretty girl? Anything new?" "We gave information to Garcia..." "OK? What is the information?" "The unsubs name is James Rutherfront" "Wow that's big, um...  Where does he live?" "Can you please call Garcia I didn't ask seeing how I can't forget" Morgan laughed "OK thanks girl genius" I smiled and rolled my eyes.

I hang up and looked at Spencer "Where were we?" "Makeout session... Geez Spen, having a eidetic memory I would think you would remember what we were doing..." Spencer laughed "It was a rhetorical question..." I frowned "Oh..." "It's OK..." I sighed and he leaned in, once again. I smiled and leaned in half way as he did and we kissed I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. Garcia literally just got Spencer half way to second base, we were only for a week and a half and it was different but nice. I loved it I'm glad it happened.

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