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I moaned in my sleep and sat up, I stirred and wiped my eyes. I looked around and blinked, I was in the same place with Spencer. I smiled and looked over at the person next to me, he was reading a book. I smirked "Nerd" he looked up at me and put his book down and looked at me flustered "I-I figured since you were asleep that... I could read... I was bored and-" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Spencer blushed and blinked then smirked "It's OK" I said smiling "How was your dream?" my mouth began to feel weird again it wasn't like that in a while. I shrugged "I only have dreams of I'm in a bed..." Spencer nodded. My mouth felt worse so I began to rub it "You OK?" he asked "I-I don't know..." "Sam... Are you OK?" he asked sternly "My mouth feels weird..."

Spencer sighed and took out his water bottle "Aren't-Arent you germiphobic?" "I have kissed you so many times, you are my girlfriend... I would only let my girlfriend drink out of my bottle..." "S-Spencer..." "It's for health reasons..." Spencer smiled. I was confused for a second and took it, I drank and gave it back. Spencer put it back "Are you better?" I nodded. I sighed tiredly and leaned against my palm.

Spencer was so generous "Sam?" "Yeah?" "I love you" I shot up "I love you to" I said kissing him and he kissed back. Minutes passed after we pulled away, Uncle Aaron came in. Well, he looked terrible "Uncle Aaron!" I shrieked running to him. I hugged him and he hugged back "How was it?" and he told us everything.

I looked concerned "You OK?" he nodded slowly "Just shocked how the mother wanted to kill me after I told her I shot her son... She wasn't even told of his murders..." "Wow..." "Sorry you guys didn't get a lot of action..." I smirked and looked at Spencer.

Uncle Aaron sighed and looked at me "I'm glad you two are alright..." I smiled "Thanks Uncle Aaron but you should relax... This isn't your fault..." "I'll try to believe that but we will be leaving in the morning I will meet you two at the jet..." we nodded and he got up and left.

I looked at Spencer "We should get back to the hotel" he smiled and nodded. We stood up and got to one of the cars and Spencer drove, I tried to stay awake in the car. Spencer parked and we went inside key card in hand and we went to our room.

Spencer sighed softly and I unlocked it, I went inside. I grabbed my pajamas and changed in the bathroom, I fixed my shirt and jumped on the bed. Spencer laughed and grabbed his clothes and changed in the bathroom. I snuggled up to the pillow and waited for Spencer he smiled and jumped up next to me. I laughed and turned off the bed side lamps and we cuddled and fell asleep.

Aaron's Niece[]Criminal Minds Wish[]Spencer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now