His Girlfriend PT. 2 end of pt thing

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I soon finished talking to JJ and went over to Spencer. I smiled "You OK?" "Yeah..." he was acting nervous. I sighed and hugged him "It's OK " he was surprised. I smiled in the hug "W-Wha-" "Your acting nervous..." "I... Am not!" I raised an eyebrow and smirked. Spencer was now being protective, I smiled. Then Rossi brought out more drinks and we were talking and doing toasts.

Spencer sat up in his seat and had his wine "I-I... Have a toast..." "Alright Reid" "W-Well... Its n-not really a toast... I.. It's a question really..." "Go on" Will said "Sam..." I looked at him confused "T-there's n-no other way to do t-this.." "Just do it" he held my hands and stared into my eyes "S-Samantha... W-Will you be my g-girlfriend...Ag-again?" I smiled "Yes" I grabbed him and brought him close to me. I kissed him, and he kissed back.

Everyone was clapping and cheering. We pulled away and everyone came up to us and hugged us. Then Uncle Aaron came up to me, I smiled "Uncle Aaron..." "Reid, take good care of her... Again..." "I will" he said nodding reassuringly. I smiled and hugged my uncle and pulled away "Now on every hotel we stay in I will pair you two up..." I smiled and thanked him and everyone kept talking and making stories.

I was fighting to stay awake next to my boyfriend. I smiled and them we played a guessing game "I played this game and I get better at profiling this way" Spencer said whispering into my ear. Spencer's cold breath came across my ear like cold wind brushing against my body. I blushed and took in the information he just told me. I smiled "That's cool"

We all paired up, in twos Morgan and Penelope, Rossi and Uncle Aaron , JJ and Will, me and Spencer. I smiled as we played the fun game we had it in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. After an hour of playing we picked the places. Me and Spencer were 1st, Morgan and Penelope 2nd, JJ and Will 3rd and last were Rossi and Uncle Aaron because they fell asleep.

I smiled and hugged Spencer as we heard that we won "Ha the nerds of course won!" "Hey we aren't nerds!" "You both have eidetic memories and study way to much so your basically nerds!" "Your just jealous you don't have a eidetic memory like we do!" I said leaning into Spencer dramatically "Aw!" "I'm not jealous, I just, like calling people out!" "Calling people out? Boy you talk so low I can't hear you!" everyone started laughing. I smiled and fist bumped Morgan to let him know I was kidding.

After a while Uncle Aaron took us home and I went up to my room and changed into my favorite pajamas and brushed my teeth, then I texted my new boyfriend. Spencer probably was still happy and nervous because he asked me.

Sam: Hey baby, just changed about to go to sleep!


Spencer: That's good! Oh my gosh your so beautiful!

Sam: Aw, thanks! But I'm pretty tired sexy, I just miss your arms around me... I wish Uncle Aaron would let you be here for as long as you want or let me sleep at your house...

Spencer: I'm blushing rn lol... I know... I would do what I can but... We'll have to see

Sam: Night, baby! I love you

Spencer: I-I love you to!

Sam: 😚

Spencer: 😘

Sam: ❤

Spencer: ❤

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