My Cries

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Spencer walked into the room, he was frustrated "Spen!" I squeaked. Then he looked at me and his face softened "S-Sam..." he walked to me. I hugged him and he slowly hugged back "Why were you wandering?" I pulled away "I-I... I missed you..." "While we were working?" he asked angrily. I softened "Y-Yeah..." "Sam... I hope you noticed this but ever since we got together I have been missing work!" he said even more angrily "T-Theres things to sacrifice in life for-" "Sam! You don't see this but I do! If we ever get married like you wanted to and raise a family we won't provide for each other because of you wanting to spend to much time with me!" I was trying not to cry.

Everyone around dropped whatever they were doing, especially our team "S-Spen..." "No! Sam!" he said drifting off. I then started to cry ".." "Sam... I think we need to spend time without each other..." I sobbed "Spen!" "No... This is for the best... I-I'll see you.........whenever.." he said starting to walk away "For whos best?! This isn't making anything better!" "It is making everything better!" he said angrily and turning around looking at me. I scoffed "In what category?!" "My work" he said making me stop.

I looked at him in awe, he then started walking away. I dropped to my knees and started crying, Rossi and JJ rushed over "Sam! You ok?" I kept crying, everything I felt inside I let out. I didn't answer "Sam?" "Get Hotch!" Someone called Uncle Aaron and he rushed over. My anxiety and emotions got to me, Spencer said he needed a break from me. Uncle Aaron rushed over to me "Sam!" I looked up at him "U-Uncle Aaron...." "What the hell happened?" he asked looking at Rossi and JJ who were right next to me.

They started explaining everything, Uncle Aaron looked at me "Is this true?" I squeaked "Y-Yes..." Uncle Aaron looked at me in concern "Sam..." "Uncle Aaron... Can I have a day off?" "Whatever makes you feel better Sam..." I nodded and walked out the building. I went to an SUV and started driving to the hotel, I grabbed my keycard and walked in the elevator. I unlocked the room and walked inside. There was Spencer "H-How did you get here?" "Bus... Obviously" he said rolling his eyes.

I gulped and nodded, Spencer looked away and I went to my stuff. I packed everything up and went to the door, I opened it and looked to my side and on the ground "Thanks for playing" I said. Spencer looked at me "What?" "With my feelings.... Thanks for playing with my feelings..." I said leaving. I slammed the door and started calling JJ "Hey..." "JJ..." "Hey girl whats up?" "C-Can... Can I stay with you?" "Yeah!" "Thanks... Cuz we just had an encounter..." "Aw... Sweetie I'm sorry..." "Thanks..." "I'll be there right away..." I smiled faintly "Thanks" and I waited.

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