MORE A/N BC I CAN!!!!!(I'm sorry)

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Hey, peeps! So, I need to rant about something, and it's about Hunter x Hunter.

I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE when authors do the titles like so,

'How x did x he x find x out!?'

Just like, bruh! There is only supposed to be two "X's" in the title of a chapter! How might I know this you my ask. Well, if ya actually payed attention to the titles of the episodes then you would notice that no matter what! The is only two "X's"!!!! Yeah only two could fit into the titles but, they used words that explained stuff to make it shorter. Because we all know that, episodes with long titles, are annoying as FUCK to read!!!! So, they found a way to shorten it.

Now I didn't shorten some of my chapters names because at that point in time I didn't know how because I write late at night (because that's when I get the most inspiration, don't ask me why, I don't know either) and don't feel like changing the titles because I'm lazy. *Exhales*

*Starts trying to calm down*
Ok I'm good now. Sorry for ranting on you guys like that, and I promise there is a new chapter coming out soon but, I'm putting it off right now because I want to type it on my computer but it's being a douche right now and won't connect to the internet even tho the internet is PERFECTLY FINE. Hopefully it'll start working again tomorrow.

And I'm going to bed early cuz I wanna so goodnight! (If it's night for you)

Ja Ne peeps! 😴

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