Girls V. Boys {8}

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This chapter is dedicated to Barricade_Martinez


The next morning, all three PowerPuff Girls flew to school, since the Professor had some work he had to go do, and why drive when you can fly?

Bubbles secretly had Octi in her backpack, though only her sisters knew that. When she had begun to hide herself away from people, she also started hiding her old things. Blossom had somehow managed to convince her to not hide her whole wardrobe, but she would still find some things of hers in the weirdest places you would ever look. Bubbles couldn't be away from Octi though, so she hid him where she wouldn't see him. Since Blossom handed in their schoolwork and homework, she didn't really have a reason to get into her backpack.

Buttercup was excited for basketball practice later that day, she didn't like leaving her sisters' sides though, so the coach let them sit with him. She only had to worry about three Ruffs. But they hadn't really made a move or anything, so the game would be fine. They probably wouldn't even be there.

Blossom was lost in her own thoughts, and wouldn't resurface for awhile. At least it kept her distracted from the Boys though, she used to think about Brick non-stop. Until, she suddenly had trouble getting out of her thoughts. She couldn't get out of her thoughts very often, but when she was in her thoughts it was like the RowdyRuff Boys had never been there. Yet even that still hurt.


Buttercup lead the way in front of her sisters through the hallways at school, while Bubbles ducked her head down as she hid between her two sisters. And Blossom backed up the rear, with that distant look in her eyes.

They almost weren't aware of the Boys' presence. Almost.

They made it through all their classes until lunch, when they were called into the Principle's office.

As soon as they walked in the room, Bubbles hid behind Buttercup and Blossom began to shake. Brick, Butch, and Boomer sat in chairs and watched them with unreadable expressions.

"What. Are they doing here?" Buttercup hissed, causing the Principle to swallow loudly.

"Er. Well, you see-" He struggled to get out as the raven-haired girl narrowed her eyes at him,"I need three students to show our new students around. They don't have to split up, they can stay together- but we need three."

Bubbles and Blossom peeked out from behind their sister to look at him.

And the Boys sat with their arms crossed watching to see what would happen.

Just as Buttercup took a step toward the man hiding beneath his desk in fear, with her eyes glowing red with her lasers, Blossom reached out her hand to restrain her.

"I don't believe we quite understand, there are many other students who can qualify to show a boy band around school just fine," She said.

A jolt went through Brick when he heard her voice, whenever she spoke- she sounded just like her old self. But her eyes still said different.

"Yes, well-"

"And they are all more capable then we are," She said in a tone that sounded and felt like steel.

Boomer gulped, and Butch began to sweat nervously,This is Brick's great plan?!

"I'll make sure you all have straight A's this semester!"

"Blossom makes sure our grades don't fail," A voice whispered, causing everyone to immediately stop and look to the blonde girl that never spoke.

Boomer felt his heart thudding in his chest, and Blossom shared a look with both her sisters. Bubbles never voiced her thoughts, unless she wanted to. And Blossom could sense what she thought about the present topic.

"Alright, but instead of straight A's,'' Blossom paused for a dramatic effect,"We can leave any class we choose when we want. With no punishments or consequences."

Bubbles and Buttercup stood on either side of her, not one of them blinked and eye.

"Okay, you got a deal," The Principal agreed with a relieved expression.

All three Boys stood up, and looked at their counterparts- who still refused to acknowledge them.

"Great!" Brick said, causing Blossom to tense.

Which made Bubbles whimper, and Buttercup grit her teeth and clench her fists. Which then made Boomer step closer, and Butch to try and say something to Buttercup.

In less than a second, the Principle was back to hiding under his desk for cover- which didn't last long, as one of the girls lifted it to throw it at the Boys. The room was utter chaos.


Hope you guys enjoyed it!! Please:



Let me know what you think!!

:-)Have a lovely day!! ~LanonaWalker

Word Count: 762

How about some BoomBubbles next??? :-)

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