Dead Grievers'

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'Guys, get up!'
'I told you, Chuck. They're not coming back. Let's go.'
'No way.'

The Glade~The Next Morning As The Doors Opened
We had made it through the night. We brought Alby all the way to the doors where Clint and Jeff took him.

"I got him, I got him, I got him," Clint said. "Watch out. Easy," Jeff said. Thomas and Minho collapsed to their knees out of breath. I was out of breath as well, but I didn't fall to my knees.

"What happened out there?" Newt asked. "How did you guys make it out?" Chuck asked. "You saw a Griever?" Peter asked. Thomas nodded, but I answered.

"Yeah, we saw one," I said and Minho looked up. "They didn't just see it. They killed it," Minho told the Gladers.

Inside The Council Room~30 Minutes Later
"Things are changing. There's no denying that," Gally was saying. Newt and I were next to each other as he leaned against a pole watching everybody.

Minho was off to one side and all of the Gladers were on the other side of the room. Thomas was in the back behind Gally sitting down.

"First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now our Greenie and one of our second-in-commands, here, have taken it upon themselves... to go into the maze," He continued, looking and pointed at Thomas and I.

"Which is a clear violation of our rules here," Gally said. "Yeah... but they saved Alby's life," Newt stepped in. "Did they?" Gally questioned and Newt went quite again.

"For three years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, you've killed one of them," Gally said and looked at us.

"Who knows what that could mean for us," Gally finished. Newt looked at him and you could tell he wasn't sure what Gally was thinking.

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt asked him. "They need to be punished," Gally said. "Come on. They killed a Griever!" Stan yelled.

"Minho. You were there with us. What do you think?" I asked Minho. "I think... in all the time we've been here... no one has ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran... these dumb shanks stayed behind to help Alby," Minho started.

"Look, I don't know if they're brave or stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make Thomas a runner and let Samantha be Keeper of the runners with me," Minho said.

"A runner? A keeper? What?" Gally questioned.
"Minho, let's not jump the gun, here," Newt said. "Thomas! Samantha! Thomas! Samantha! Thomas! Samantha!" The Gladers were chanting our names.

"Samantha! Thomas! Samantha! Thomas! Samantha! Thomas!" They continued chanting our names. "If you want to throw the newbie and Samantha a parade, that's fine. Go ahead," Gally started talking again.

"But if there is one thing I know about the maze... it is that you do not..." Gally never finished his sentence because then an alarm started going off.

Slowly Newt pushed off of the post he was leaning on and I stood up straighter. "Okay, wait. I know that sound," Newt and I said. And everybody ran out of the room.

"The Box. It's coming back up," Winston said. "It shouldn't be." Gally said as him, Newt and I started running towards the Box.

Everybody else followed behind and once we reached the Box the top was already open and Newt was down trying to see what it was.

"Newt, what do you see?" I asked. "Do you see it?" Frypan asked. "It's a girl," He said and looked up at us weirdly.

"No way. Another girl?" Zart asked. "I think she's dead," Newt said. "What's in her hand?" Gally asked. Newt knelt down next to her and grabbed the paper from her hand.

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