Chapter 1.

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Holly's p.o.v.


"I'm just going to the toilet" I turned to Megan as we waited for The Wanted to start. The vamps had just been on we we're both massive fans, Con was my favourite, Megan's was James.

Surprisingly there was no queue what so ever for the ladies toilets, there was only one cubicle in order and it was taken so I stood and waited. Minutes later a man walked out of the toilet and looked at me, he went bright red. It took me moments to process but after a second or two I recognised the face, it was Connor!

"I can explain," he blushed "the dressing room toilets are blocked and the males toilets were too busy, I was desperate, now I'm embarrassed haha". I was just in so much shock I didn't even need the toilet anymore

"I'm Connor, and you are?"

"I know, wow, Holly, I'm Holly, I kinda love you" what am I doing I'm stood talking to Connor Ball and the only thing I can say is 'I kinda love you' well done Holly. My hands were starting to feel really sweaty so I decided to wash them just to cool them down. As I turned the sink on the water went all over me turning my white top almost transparent.

"Oh my god! This would happen to me wouldn't it" Connor looked at me and started laughing

" Come on, come with me I'll help you get cleaned up haha".

Megan's p.o.v.


"Where on earth is she?" I turned around making sure the people in the row behind me didn't hear me talking to myself. Holly had been gone for nearly ten minutes and I was actually becoming quite worried. Low and behold a few moments later she finally replied to one of my many text messages:

To: Meg

From: Hol

"Hi megs, everything's fine, had a bit of a mishap with some taps in the loo but it's all good now, I'll explain later. Make sure you stay where you're sat because (don't panic) one of the security guards is going to fetch you and bring you here. See you in a mo - Hols x"

'Bring you here?!!' What the hell does she mean, where is she. The last ever concert the wanted are doing and she's probably got herself dragged out the building for breaking the taps, typical!

I didn't even have chance to reply because the next thing I new I had a giant security guard breathing over my shoulder. I know it sounds silly because security guards are there to protect you but I was on my own in this big place, no idea where my best friend was and then a big muscly guy (no smaller that 6 foot 5) wanting to take me somewhere, I was really scared. I decided to trust my numpty of a friend though and went with the man, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to encounter...

I started walking up the stairs to get to the main floor when I lost the security guard in a crowd of girls. I managed to get round them and I found him stood waiting for me by some big double doors. We went through and all of a sudden I realised I was now in the 'no access' area. Great Holly, I can just tell I'm going to walk round a corner and be told that we've got to leave the building or something like that, that's just how my luck works, I don't have any.

When I finally stopped my mind from wondering I realised that I was now walking down what seemed to be a private and quite posh area of the arena. What on earth is going on, I've never been so confused in my life. That's where I went and embarrassed myself, of course I did, like I said, unlucky.

I'd found myself lost in my thoughts again but not before realising that the giant guiding me had stopped. I walked straight in to him then managed to trip over the laces of my trainers that became untucked on my travels. I let out a loud yelp before hitting the floor with a thud. I just laughed it off and the man helped me up, looking quite unapologetic if I may add! He knocked on the door of a room labeled 'private, acts only' I'm so stupid I didn't even realise, he stuck his head in the room and asked if I was okay to go in. I hear a few voices from inside but they where too muffled to understand, and then I went in.

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