Chapter 8.

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Holly's p.o.v


I didn't want to cry in front of new friends, I mean Megs had seen me cry before but not the boys, I ran upstairs and took cons top off and put mine on, and I sat on my bed holding cons top, I just sat and i cried. Moments later con knocked on my door and walked in, I wiped away my tears and just looked down "what happens now" It hurt my throat to say it but someone had to. "I'm not going to forget about you if that's what you think, you've become so special to me this past day, I'm not going to leave you, I really like you" Connor looked at me, I looked back at him and said "I really like you too" he nodded his head at me and I ran to him placing my head on his chest, I felt him kiss the top of my head so I looked at him and he kissed me, I started to cry again but we were still in the kiss, I really liked Connor and I didn't want to lose him.

"Go get cleaned up and we'll go down stairs yeah? Oh and I want you to put my top back on" I went and got sorted in the bathroom, I felt so safe around con and I knew Megs felt the same about James is just hoped everything was okay with them. As for brad and tris I just wanted to blurt it all out to con but I promised. I sorted my self out and went back to con in my room. "We'll make this work I promise, I will make this work" I sat next to him and he held his hand out and I took it in mine and we went down stairs.

Shit, fuck, bugger, crap, no!! We walked in to the kitchen to brad and tris proper full on kissing! "WHAT THE FUCK!" Connor screamed which caused me to really jump, he said a quick sorry to me as Megs and James ran in too "what's going on?" James asked, "ask these two" Connor pointed to them. I looked at Megan, shit shit shit.

Megan's p.o.v.


I heard Connor yelling, he was so loud I almost jumped from James chest and shot him a glance. He looked so confused, I guessed that Con didn't shout very often. We shot up and ran in the kitchen to see what was going on, shit.

Brad and Tristan looked sweaty and out of breath, their hair messy. Connors jaw was almost on the floor and Holly looked like she wanted to cry with guilt.

"What's going on?" I looked at James as his confusion grew.

"Ask these two" Connor pointed at brad and Tristan, oh god.

They looked at each other and started stumbling over words to try and explain, they looked at each other and then the floor, as though they could communicate telepathically, they knew what they had to say.

"We're gay."

Holly and I simultaneously let out a sigh of relief that they'd finally told the boys. "Thank goodness for that" we spoke letting out another sigh and then realising what we had just said, we put our hands over our mouths. James took a step away from me and looked down into my eyes, he looked hurt.

"You knew?" I didn't even get time to respond before he looked over at Connor and then left the room with him, they went and sat outside on the front doorstep.

Oh god, what have we done. I looked over at holly, she now had a tear rolling down her cheek. I looked over at the boys, they looked disappointed in themselves.

Connors p.o.v


"We'll make this work I promise, we will make this work" I meant it, I took her hand and we went down stairs. What had I just seen? Brad and Tristan, kissing? No way. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I didn't mean to scare Holly but what had I just seen? James and Megs ran in "what's going on" they asked, "ask these two".

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