Chapter 5.

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Holly's p.o.v


I could see how tired everyone was getting so I suggested everyone staying at mine, everyone seemed up for it, especially Connor. I've only known him a night and I honestly don't know what I'd do with out him! James and Megs settled down in my sisters room, Brad and Tris in the spare room and me and con in my room.

I went to get washed in the bath room giving con time to get changed but I managed to walk in on him in his boxers stood in front of my mirror looking him self up and down, oh well, he looked at me and blushed "lets pretend we didn't see that" he grabbed his joggers and put them on and put his arms around me and held me close. Wow I loved him. Wait what? I mean I knew I loved him he was my idol my everything, but I never thought I'd be sharing a bed with him, that I'd actually fall in love with him.

Do I just come out with it and tell him? I wanted him to know, would he think I was desperate? I just went for it. While I was still in his embrace in the middle of my room I whispered to him "con, I love you" he pulled me away looked at me and smiled, he kissed me, more passionate than any of the other kisses we'd shared that night. "I love you too" he whispered pulling me back in to his arms.

We got in to bed and just chatted for at least an hour, but I was starting to get really really tired, I didn't want to just fall asleep though and leave con. He must have been able to tell I was tired he said "you know you can fall asleep on me" I just smiled at him, rested my head on his chest and he stroked my hair, it was so relaxing I was bound to fall asleep any second now. Our legs were all twisted in with each other and we just laid in each other's arms until I finally drifted off.

Megan's p.o.v.


I was so tired, I heard hol ask the boys if they wanted to stay but I was still kind of asleep so I didn't really hear their responses but the next thing I new, I could feel myself being carried upstairs and put into bed. I heard the person leave the room so I figured James had brought me upstairs and then had to go home with the boys. I waited a couple of minutes and decided I was desperate for the loo so I hopped out of bed and went to the toilet, I thought it was holly so I just waited, much to my surprise when James walked out just in his boxers which made me giggle and blush and I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned body, he quickly stumbled to Holly's sisters room, he was so cute.

I just finished washing my hands when I heard a knock on the door, still half naked, "here you can't sleep like that, put this on you'll be much comfier" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek "thanks Jems" I whispered trying to hold back my grin, I closed the door and scraped my hair up and put James' top on over my underwear and headed back to the bedroom "wow" I laughed at James not realising what he had said. I hopped on the bed now feeling wide awake.

"Let's play two truths one lie" he jumped with excitement, I thought it would great idea to get to know him more. He told me a few statements and I didn't want to seem stalkerish but I knew he had cat called Mickey but I tried to play it out like I didn't, he what could I say he was my idol, of course I knew things about him. I told him three statements about me and he got it wrong, I tried pulling a smug look but I just couldn't stop my smile from spilling out which made James jump and throw his arms around me which gave me butterflies, we fell back on to the bed and just smiled at each other, I tried to stop myself from developing feelings but I just couldn't help it, I liked him, like really really liked him.

I could see James' eyes growing heavy and I was starting to feel the same, I dragged the duvet covers over us and he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest, the most perfect way to fall asleep if you ask me.

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