Part 7| The meeting

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Across the table was Jumin's father. You were surprised after you had been drooling over the food, you immediately went to professional mode. Jumin gave him a disgusted look to his father, "Jumin aren't you happy to see your father? At least smile" his father said. "A smile? You don't deserve it." Jumin glared then turned his head. You were shooked, you've never seen Jumin this way and wondered what happened between them.

      Jumin's and father history

So when Jumin was about 6, he loved his parents so much, he'd do anything with them and go anywhere. But one night, Jumin had a nightmare and cried to his parent's room. He peeked at the door finding his father having an affair with another woman. He was so shocked he couldn't even look at him anymore, Jumin told this to his dad when he was 16. His mom had already knew and moved out but now the father is happily married to some other women that Jumin finds half decent.

                •  •  •  

You were still new to this whole rich family stuff and just thought to try not to cause any trouble. "So? What did you want from us?" As Jumin crossed his arms, "I just wanted to see how you were doing and your new fiancée, my is she gorgeous!" He gave a smiled but quickly smirked. You didn't mind it because you just wanted to eat then "Ah!" You collapsed on the floor, "y/n?!" Jumin quickly panicked and picked you up "Oh no! Is she okay?" The maid gasped. You pale white and wasn't able to move. "I'm okay" you whispered, "No you aren't y/n, and I know you were enduring the pain up until now" he was worried and brought you to a bed, he examined your body. He knew you had a fever. "Oh my looks like we have a problem here" the father stepped out of the room. "Tck you damn bastard" Jumin glared at him then quickly turned his head towards you. Your lower abdomen was hurting and you put your hands over it. He softly massaged it, it felt like warm soft clouds on your body but you knew it was Jumin and slightly blushed. "Hmm, y/n are you on hm your hm period?" You blushed so hard you quickly sit up and turned ur head towards him, "am I on it?? Wait I think I am.. This is so embarrassing!!!" "O-oh I think I am..." You said, "you think? Haha" he put his hand on your forehead, "I knew it, a fever" "Maid please bring a glass of water" he said as she bows and leaves. You felt your head, "I do have a fever" you stared at the ceiling and closed your eyes and put your hand on your stomach, then you felt a warm soft peck. You immediately open your eyes and find Jumin kissing your forehead then hugging your body. "y/n why did you have to lie to me? If something was wrong you could have told me" He had that fragile sweet innocent look on his face "I-I didn't want to because when I'm with you, I feel like all my problems are gone" you smiled and he did too while hugging your body, you stroke your fingers threw his soft hair, "I love you" "I love you too honey" he lift his head up and held your hand "y/n I actuall-" "here we go, the water for her"the maid came in, "ah thank you" he handed you the water and you drank it.  You felt better after that and decided to go back to the dining room again. Jumin carefully walks you to the room to eat. Then the father is there, sitting quietly like we was almost planning something.  "I am sorry for what had happened, I will not do it again." You bow "ah no worries my darling I understand" the father smiled. You remembered Jumin was going to say something but you put that aside, "Let's eat, Shall we?" said the father. You were so excited, But, "C'mon y/n, we won't eat here." He gently pulls your arm and heads outside. "we will be leaving now, bye" You were still lost of what was happening but wanted to go with Jumin, When you and him we're about to leave, his father comes and whispers something to Jumin's ear, You couldn't quite make out of what he was saying but by Jumin's face, He didn't like it. So you and him left his father's house and headed somewhere fancy to eat lunch, "Hmm what am I craving for?" you ask yourself, you look like you were day dreaming then Jumin place his hand over your forehead while the other hand was steering. "Ah it's good to know you don't have a fever anymore, I'm sorry but we won't be heading out for lunch right now, Is taking a little detour to your place fine?" He said. You were surprise that he asked that, you weren't that hungry anyway and thought you should visit your place. He parked at the side of the road and notices 3 men, "Ugh damn these kids again?" he muttered, "Hm? is something wron-" you hear a scream "Y/N!!! YAY YOU'RE FINALLY HOME!! WAAAA I MISSED YOU MY PRINCESS!!" "AHA! NO FEAR 707 IS HERE! psst Yoosung that's your qu-" "wHERE IS THAT DAMN YOOSUNG??" and so on... You and Jumin witness all of this in the car and you were giggling while Jumin was mad because he was going to beat their asses. You step out of the car and go up to Zen and Luciel. "Hey guys! long time no see!" you smiled, "uhh actually we-" as Luciel was cut off by Zen, "SHH!! My dear princess it's been forever!!" he cried, Yoosung pops out of nowhere, "Oh great Yoosung is here too" Jumin rolled his eyes, "YOOSUNG WHERE DID YOU GO?" Zen screamed, "I found Saeran trying to break Y/N's door at the back" Yoosung was holding Saeran's wrist. "that shits gay Yoosung" as Luciel dabbed gracefully. You stood there stunned and looked at Jumin. He was shocked and was ready to show him no mercy.

Hey losers! Thank you so much for the gucci comments I really love reading them xd they make me go doki doki once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY 💕 have a noice day!


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