Classroom Love ||Karma x Reader||Assassination Classroom||

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By: Nevereverkandie

   Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok. The noise of everyones frustrated moans and groans mixed with the tik of the clock filled your ears.

  "Times up. Stop writing and pass your papers foward." Looking down at the questions and answers, you quietly sighed and put down your pencil.

It was fun being in the E class, and your friends that you got to hang out with made it even more fun. Trying to assassinate Koro-Sensei was pretty fun too. You were smart enough to be in the A class, you were put in the E class for the same reason as Karma Akabane. Sticking up for them.

  You had the tendency of being slightly violent with people who displeased you and even though you were transferred to the lowest class, higher classed students still didn't mess with you in fear of ending up in the nurses office with a black eye or a bruise on the stomach.

Even the principal didn't bother you. Your parents are best friends with Principal Asano and are very rich making that the only reason your still at the school, but he won't admit that.
You were currently making your way back to the End Class after finishing the midterm exam.

  "Ugh... why were they so hard? Koro-Sensei didn't say anything about them being this tough!" Cried a stressed-out Kaede.

  "Yeah, we studied as hard as we could!" Agreed Rio.

  Everyone groaned once again and complained about the exam. You, being the dreamer type didn't listen and instead looked at a bird flying in the sky.

  "Heeey, Y/N~Chan, what do you think about the exam? I thought it was pretty easy."

Smiling at the happy and slightly sadistic red-head, you turned around to face Karma. He was very close to your face while you just stared into his mercury red eyes. He had his signature grin on his face which, of course, made you grin back.

Lightly pushing him back, you slung your bag over your shoulder and continued walking foward.

  "I guess it was easy? There wasn't much to it, honestly. Even if it was supposed to be easier, there wasn't much of a difference for people like you and I." He laughed and lightly nodded his head.  

  "Yeah. You know, me and you aren't that much different if you think about it." Karma put his hands behind his head and sighed.

"I guess so."

   You and Karma, along with the rest of the class made it back to the classroom. Koro-Sensei, as you know, appeared out of no where with a worried expression.

  "Hehe... so it seems I underestimated the system. It seems that tomorrow we will see  how well we did. You can go home now, it's the end of the day. Have a great rest of the day!" He said waving his tentacle in a pathetic wave. Packing up your stuff, you walked out the classroom door.

  As expected, Karma soon enough caught up with you. 

"So what are you going to do tonight?" He asked you

  "I think I'm going to go the arcade. What are you going to do?" You responded.

  "Maybe I'll go with you. I don't have anything else to do." Slowly his mischievous grin made his way on to his face.

  "Sure. We can go together. When do you want to meet up?"

  "How about in front of the arcade at 5?"

  "Okay, that works." You said, the thought that this is technically a date not crossing your mind.

  "Well, see you then my date." And with that he ran off.

  You stood there, still as a statue, with one thought on your mind.

  I think I have a crush on Karma Akabane

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