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Cussing, possibly shorter than wanted.


The H/C haired female cheered with her comrades as she landed on the ground, stretching her arms and putting away her Teigu as Susanoo followed her closely. "Are you hurt?"

"No, Sus," Y/N chuckled as said male fixed her hair, grumbling about how she should be 'neat and tidy' and not 'as messy as Esdeath's killing'. The incredibly tall male frowned, lifting her arm and looking her torso, earning a smack from the female. "Don't touch me like that!"


Y/N stormed off, pissed, while Lubbock laughed at Susanoo's failure. "I don't know what I did wrong. I was merely worrying about whether she was alright," he hummed in thought.

Lubbock snorted, shaking his head. "You touched her stomach, and then near her breasts. If she said she wasn't injured, you should trust her. Plus, women don't like it when you prod them, apparently."

Susanoo blinked at the green-haired boy's explanation. "Oh." "Why do you worry about her injuries so much, anyway? Isn't that Akame's job?" Susanoo rubbed his neck, a somewhat shy expression on his face. " about her wellbeing."

Lubbock gasped and fell off the chair he was leaning on, scrambling to stand up. "You like her, don't you?" He pointed at Susanoo accusingly, a perverted grin on his face.

" You mean-love?" Susanoo furrowed his eyebrows, earning an even bigger gasp from Lubbock. "OHHH, HOLY SHIT HE LOVES HER!" "Lubbock, be quiet." "YesNajenda."

Susanoo stared at his palm, opening and closing it as he thought about the short/tall female he cared for. 'I love her?'

Another mission came along, and Y/N was more than happy to collapse on the ground in front of the hideout, earning worried stares from Akame and Susanoo. "I’m fine-tired, but fine," was her excuse, voice muffled by the dirt.

"Are you sure-" Y/N groaned at Susanoo's question, getting up and stomping towards the waterfall in the forest. "Susanoo, you may want to go after her," Najenda nodded, sending the other team members inside.

The human-Teigu obliged, sprinting after Y/N and finding her floating in the water, almost lifelessly with her eyes shut. "What is it, Susanoo?" She mumbled, not even opening her eyes.

"Are you hurt or injured-" "NO, I'm NOT!" She yelled, causing her to lose her balance on the water and sink underneath the surface, popping her head up again a few moments later. "Why do you care so much?!"

"Because I...I love you! And care about your wellbeing! I don't want you to get hurt, or die, and I don't want to lose you in a mission," the normally stoic male blurted out, earning a blush from Y/N in response.

"And I'm sorry if I bother you, i just really do worry whenever we return from missions-" in a few seconds, the agile female had stood in front of her, putting a finger to his lips. "Shush," her E/C optics twinkled. "I like you too, but I can take care of myself. Let's go back."

"O-okay. Did you swallow any water when you sunk? Let me carry you-" "I JUST SAID I CAN HANDLE MYSELF, DAMN IT!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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