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After many days of flying the pair made it to the center of the world. It was a huge pit with black jagged rocks jutting out the edges. Tempest settled on one of the higher spires of rock and waited for hurricane's command. "We wait here until the guardians are ready." He told Tempest patiently and she huffed, folding her emerald wings over her head. Hurricane chuckled.

After several day hours of waiting, a small and skinny light blue dragon came scuttling through one of the cracks in the rocks. "The guardians are ready for you to start the meeting." He said and scurried back, terrified of the much larger than normal storm dragons. Tempest had to squeeze her wings as close as possible in order to fit in the small cracks.

On the inside, there was a large desert area with a purplish sky and a large courtyard. Big enough for 50 full sized dragons. The skinny blue dragon was there again and sighed impatiently at them and scurried along the sand making a tail print where he dragged it. It was probably paralyzed.

"Here they are your majesties. Late as usual. Maybe if they didn't have so much cloud in their brains they would hear me telling them to hurry up." He laughed at his own joke and walked away snickering to himself. "Self absorbed pig." Tempest mumbled and Hurricane shushed her incase he heard.

The guardian dragons were in the center of the stone courtyard in their own thrones. The other tribes of dragons, in pairs of twos, were gathered around them in a tight circle. The emotion and gem guardians were sitting on higher thrones than the others. The skeleton and lightning guardians were sitting besides them on smaller thrones. The time dragon stood guarding the entrance way.

The dragons gathered around them were all there already. Air, light, dark, ice, earth, fire, and Tempest and Hurricane. The storm dragons. The time dragon sealed off the entrance with one of his horns and walked over to the center. "Time to commence the meeting."

The Calm Before The StormWhere stories live. Discover now